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Legends:Shalk Fabricant

< Legends: Cards
Shalk Fabricant
Creature (Fabricant)
LG-card-Shalk Fabricant.png
Deck code ID nT
Card Set LG-icon-Clockwork City.png Clockwork City
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png3
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Power Power 2 Health Health 4
Rarity Common Common
Summon: If you have a Neutral card in play, put a random action into your hand.

Shalk Fabricant is a common Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Clockwork City story set.


A playset of the card is awarded for completing Cogitum Centralis. The premium version can only be obtained by soul-summoning, which is only possible after the completion of Cogitum Centralis.

