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Tamriel Rebuilt:Medenb Khifzah

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
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Ilen Midaan (TR_m1_Medenb_Khifzah)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Tel Ouada
Location Midaan Manor
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 12 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 82 Magicka 138
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 2(Oathman)
Ilen Midaan

Ilen Midaan is a Dark Elf mage and Oathman in House Telvanni. He is in the Midaan manor in Tel Ouada. He believes an assassin is after him, and is desperate for help in avoiding getting killed.

Depending on your choices during the events of his related quest 'Kill or Be Killed', he can be found dead in either his manor or Varanit Suavyn's house.

He wears a Telvanni mole crab cuirass, an extravagant robe, a pair of expensive shoes, and the Amulet of Evasion, the reward for his related quest. He carries 78 gold.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Willpower, Alad's Caliginy, Blood Gift, Crushing Burden Touch, Dire Noise, Far Silence, First Barrier, Great Burden of Sin, Great Resist Common Disease, Hide, Invisibility, Iron Will, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Poet's Whim, Poisonbloom, Powerwell, Rapid Regenerate, Reflect, Shockbloom, Sleep, Strong Levitate, Tinur's Hoptoad, Viperbolt, Weak Spelldrinker, Weary, Wearying Touch, and Wizard Rend.

Related QuestsEdit



Kill or Be KilledEdit

  • Greetings:

If you are at least Level 6:

"Please, %PCRace, you look an accomplished fighter. I need your help. I'm in fear for my life."
"Ah, %PCName. What of the attempt on my life?"

If you lied about Ilen's location to Dilave Ralvani and she has later confronted you outside Midaan manor:

"What!? The assassin is outside?! Quickly, %PCName! Finish her off!" Goodbye
"So you say you truly have killed the assassin this time? Clearly you were less thorough than you thought originally." (Disposition down by 10)
  • my life:
"I have heard from reliable sources that an attack is to be made on my life. As you are clearly an accomplished fighter, I request that you help me fend off this assassination attempt."
  • How would I do that?: "I don't know when it will be, but it will be soon, and probably at night. I want you to sleep in my bed, in the master bedroom -- it's a separate room through the door -- and face the assassin when he or she arrives. I will stay with my close friend, Varanit Suavyn, here in town. When it's safe for me to return home, let me know."
  • Fend for yourself.: "Hmmph, useless s'wit... [After a pause, he sighs] I... hate to admit it but I do still require the help of one such as yourself. If you... change your mind, I would be... much obliged if you return here."
"I suggest you go to the master bedroom, and sleep in my bed, to lure out the assassin."
"Continue sleeping in my bed. I'm certain the attack will come."
"The threat is passed? Thank you, %PCName, you've saved my life! Here, take this with my thanks. I no longer need it." (Disposition up by 30 and you receive the Amulet of Evasion)
"Thank you, %PCName, you saved my life."

If you killed Dildave Ralvani:

"No matter. The killer's corpse should provide sufficient justification to have a guard posted in my home. Thank you for your help. Take this with my thanks. I no longer need it." (Disposition up by 30 and you receive the Amulet of Evasion)