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Online:The Deadlands: Testing Grounds

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Unzoned / Realms / Worldspaces
The Deadlands: Testing Grounds
Discoverable No
Dungeon (?)
# of Zones (?)
Doombringer Eshil, Qrazgoth
Daedroth, Dremora Caitiff, Dremora Harstryl, Ogrim, Scamp
Quest Chain
Accessible from the Imperial Sewers Cache Annex during the Related Quest
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"Our magnificent and generous Prince of Destruction and Ambition sets aside portions of his astounding realm for the specific purpose of testing and evaluating his most faithful servants. I look forward to the day I am called before my lord." —Doombringer Eshil of the Order of the Waking Flame
The Testing Grounds of the Deadlands

The Deadlands: Testing Grounds is a section of Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion realm used to challenge the worth of his servants. During the related quest, you and Eveli Sharp-Arrow will follow Doombringer Eshil through the portal from the Imperial Cache Annex hidden within the Imperial Sewers.

The layout of the Testing Grounds is a spiral path with a statue of Mehrunes Dagon in the center. Molten lava surrounds the area and various Daedra guard the path, while the Ash Titan Qrazgoth can be seen flying overhead.

Related QuestsEdit


A map of the Deadlands
