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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
HomeĀ Settlement Vashabar
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
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Nethangor is a Wood Elf who can sometimes be found in Vashabar having a conversation about recent events with Sarrinel and Retheron.


Prior to the events of Seeds of Suspicion they will discuss the following:

Retheron: "But aren't you curious where it came from? Forests like this don't usually spring up so quickly."
Nethangor: "Why should we care what the Colovians think? Dawnwood is a miracle and it's ours!"
Sarrinel: "King Nantharion says the forest's a gift of the Green and I believe him!"
Retheron: "And what about the devastated region between Dawnwood and the rest of the Weald. They blame us for that, I hear."

Speaking with Nethangor during this:

Dawnwood's sudden appearance is proof that we were meant to settle this new forest. Vashabar is only the beginning. Soon we'll have settlements throughout Dawnwood ā€¦ and maybe even beyond!

After the events of Seeds of Suspicion they will discuss the scandal:

Sarrinel: "So it was the king all along! How did we miss that?"
Retheron: "You're just going to take what's-his-name's word for it? The Elf who colludes with Imperials?"
Sarrinel: "Well, Greenspeaker Darolith believes Beragon."
Nethangor: "I'm not sure what to believe. Is there any evidence?"
Sarrinel: "Go look at Hoperoot. There's your evidence!"

Speaking with Nethangor during this:

"I don't believe it. King Nantharion is a good man. These malicious rumors must be the work of the Colovians. They'll do anything to be rid of us!"

After the events of King Nantharion's Gambit they will discuss (?):

needs conversation

Speaking with Nethangor during this:

"So Nantharion was evil and the leader of the Recollection? He fooled us all so well!
At least Count Calantius is willing to meet with Greenspeaker Darolith. That's a good thing, right?"
