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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Forfeit (in-game and CS, offers no services)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives at Crestbridge Camp), checked by Emoboy64 (CS)

Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Emoboy64 (CS)
(RefID: 00031543)
Location Crestbridge Camp
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level 15 Class Hunter
RefID 00031543 BaseID 00031540
Other Information
Health 115 Magicka 95
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Essential Until Goblin Trouble is completed
Faction(s) Cropsford faction
Mirisa at Crestbridge Camp

Mirisa is a Redguard hunter living at Crestbridge Camp near Cropsford in the Niben Bay area. She has been hired as a wilderness guide by Barthel Gernand and his family in their mission to establish a settlement at Cropsford. She is also extremely knowledgeable about goblin culture, which she will share with you to help you solve the group's troubles with goblins.

While at the camp she lives a simple existence: sleeping from 8am to 2pm and then wandering around at all other times. After the quest is complete, she will travel to the Imperial Bridge Inn on the banks of the Silverfish River.

Mirisa wears lower class clothing: a green wool shirt, sack cloth pants and a pair of doeskin shoes. She is armed with a steel bow with steel arrows and a steel shortsword. She also carries a small amount of gold.


Speaking to Mirisa for the first time will have her say:

"Well met! Come, warm yourself by our fire."

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Aloys Bincal will first mention Mirisa when discussing the goblin problem:

"We had just set up at Cropsford when Mirisa came running in. Said goblins were heading our way. We barely escaped with our lives!"

Speak to his father-in-law Barthel Gernand for more background, and if you agree to help, he will direct you towards Mirisa:

"You should talk to Mirisa about the goblins. She's our guide and knows what needs to be done."

If you speak to her now, she will share her knowledge about goblin culture:

"You've agreed to help them clear the goblins from Cropsford? That's great news! I've done some scouting around while we've been camped here, and it looks like Cropsford is right in the middle of a goblin war. The caves around here are infested with goblins. Normally goblins stay close to their lairs, and wouldn't be a huge problem. But two tribes are at war, and their war parties are crossing right through Cropsford. What you'll need to do is stop the war somehow."

She will also add Cropsford and the two nearest goblin lairs to your map:

"Follow the Yellow Road northwest from here. You'll see the supplies they had to abandon when the goblins attacked."
Goblin lairs
"The two nearest are Timberscar Cave and Cracked Wood Cave. Here, I've marked them on your map. Unfortunately Cropsford is right in between them."
Goblin war
"Goblins have their own reasons for doing things. Don't make sense to us, usually, but I've learned a lot about their ways over the years. Each tribe guards a head in its lair. Whose head, I don't know. A sacred tribal totem or something like that. Anyway, if you want to rile up a goblin tribe, steal their Tribal Head. Which is often what a rival tribe does, just to prove they're tougher. I'd lay odds that the war between the two tribes is because of a stolen Tribal Head. No other reason for a war to go on this long. So, to stop the war, all you need to do is sneak into Timberscar Cave, find the stolen Tribal Head, and return it to the Cracked Wood Cave goblins. Unless you want to do things the hard way..."
What's the hard way?
"Well, you could always just fight your way into Cracked Wood Cave and kill their shaman. Every goblin tribe is led by a shaman, but she mostly stays hidden in the heart of the lair. Well protected. But, kill the shaman and the tribe will dissolve into confusion. Most likely end the war."

Ending this conversation at this point will have her offer one final piece of advice as you part ways:

"Good luck. And don't underestimate the goblins. They're more dangerous than they look."

At this point, the other members of the group will speak highly of Mirisa, if asked about her:

Barthel: "She's a wilderness guide we hired to lead our expedition to Cropsford. Saved our lives when the goblins attacked."
Callia: "My father hired her as a guide at an inn south of here. Good thing, too. She saved our lives, and led us safely back here after the goblin attack."

You may also overhear her discuss the situation with Barthel:

Barthel: "So what do you think? Is it safe to try to return to Cropsford?"
Mirisa: "I wouldn't recommend it, sir. You don't want to put yourselves in the middle of a goblin war."
Barthel: "I'm sure you're right. You saved our lives back there. I'm just not ready to give up on our dream..."

Speaking to Mirisa again about the goblin war before resolving the conflict will have her remind you about what to do to complete your task:

Goblin war
"Like I told you, there are only two ways to stop a goblin war. Either kill the attacking tribe's shaman, or recover the "tribal head" from the rival tribe, which is likely the cause of the war. Neither one sounds like a picnic to me."

If you decide to resolve the conflict by killing the shaman of the Cracked Wood Cave goblin tribe, Mirisa will be pleased that you ended the war:

Goblin war
"You killed the shaman of Cracked Wood Cave!? I'm impressed! Barthel Gernand will be glad to hear that."

If on the other hand you take the stolen tribal totem from the Timberscar Cave tribe, her response will vary depending on whether you have it in your inventory or not:

Goblin war
"You say you took the head from the Timberscar Cave goblins? Where is it, then? I'd like to just believe you, but I can't send these people back to Cropsford unless I'm sure the goblin war is over. Show me the head, so I know it is safe for the settlers to return to Cropsford."
"Amazing, you actually swiped the stolen head right out of Timberscar Cave? Ha, those goblins won't know what to think now! You don't really need to do anything else. The Cracked Wood tribe will stop attacking Timberscar Cave once they figure out the head is gone. Of course, now that you have the head, you could create all sorts of mischief."
Create mischief with head
"Well, for instance, you could give it to any other goblin tribe. They'd boast about it just as if they won it in a war, and pretty soon the Cracked Wood tribe would launch a war against THEM. I'm not sure if the Cropsford settlers would be all too pleased about you stirring up a new goblin war, though."

Once you've inform Barthel that the goblin war has ended Mirisa will thank you for ending the conflict:

Goblin war
"Good work ending the goblin war. The settlers are very pleased. I'm pretty impressed as well."

At this point Mirisa will make her way to the Imperial Bridge Inn, where she will settle into a regular routine. From 6am to 6pm, she can be found in the wilderness near the inn, on both sides Silverfish River. She is notionally hunting deer, but ends up simply wandering around due to a bug. At 6pm, she heads back inside and spend the next twelve hours pacing around the inn, never sleeping due to another bug.

If you run into Mirisa again after the Cropsford settlers have put up their first building, she will happily greet you by saying:

"Hey, I was up in Cropsford the other day. It looks like they're really making a go of it. You did a good thing there, you know."



  • Mirisa's packages when at the Imperial Bridge Inn suggest she was meant to be hunting: they are named MirisaHunt1 and MirisaHunt2. However, the packages are of the "Find" variety and targeted at venison rather than deer. As there is never any venison simply lying around, Mirisa will just walk around for twelve hours. ?
  • Mirisa was meant to sleep at the Imperial Bridge Inn. However, one bed is owned by Lithnilian and the other two by Davela Hlaren. This means she never finds a bed and instead wanders all night. ?