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Oblivion:Aron Verethi

< Oblivion: People / Spell Merchants
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Quests: written by Kiz (CS - none), checked by Vulpa (in-game - none)

Schedule: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS)

Services: written by already written, checked by Kiz (CS + In-Game)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Vulpa (in-game and CS)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives at The Great Chapel of Zenithar), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS, N/A)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS)

Faction: written by already written, checked by Kiz (CS)

Spells: written by KickbackYak (CS), checked by mxk101 (CS)
Aron Verethi
(RefID: xx0016DC)
Added by Knights of the Nine
Home City Leyawiin
Location The Great Chapel of Zenithar
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 12 Class Priest
RefID xx0016DC BaseID xx000F5C
Available 6am-6pm, 8pm-12am every day
Gold 15 Mercantile Novice (6)
Spells Restoration Spells
Other Information
Health 85 Magicka 182
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Nine Divines 0K(Pilgrim Pilgrim); Leyawiin
Aron Verethi

Aron Verethi is a Dark Elf priest added as a replacement for Avrus Adas by the Knights of the Nine official download. He will only appear if Avrus Adas is dead (no matter what the cause) at the end of the quest Umaril the Unfeathered.

His schedule is identical to Avrus's: he sleeps downstairs in the Chapel Hall every night between midnight and 6am. After waking up, he heads upstairs to the main part of the chapel where he spends all day wandering around, only interrupted at 8am, when he prays for two hours in front of the Altar of the Nine. At 6pm, he seats himself on one of the pews and consumes a two-hour dinner. He gets up at 8pm and spends the rest of the evening strolling around the chapel until he heads downstairs to his bed at midnight.

He also sells the same spells as Avrus at all times, except when eating or sleeping. However, he is unable to cast Superior Convalescence (see bugs).

He wears a tan robe and a pair of braided leather sandals. He also carries a small amount of gold. Aron doesn't wield any weapons, choosing instead to rely on a set of Restoration spells.


  • Aron is one of only two replacement NPCs, alongside Esbern, whose inventory isn't identical to the person they're replacing.



Aron Verethi has the following spells for sale:

Spell Name Level Cost Effects
Minor Respite Novice 6 Restore Fatigue 15pts on Self
Convalescence Apprentice 48 Restore Health 15pts on Target
Cure Paralysis Apprentice 50 Cure Paralysis on Touch
Cure Poison Apprentice 60 Cure Poison on Self
Fortify Endurance* Apprentice 42 Fortify Endurance 5pts for 90sec on Self
Heal Major Wounds Apprentice 61 Restore Health 25pts on Self
Restore Endurance* Apprentice 29 Restore Endurance 5pts on Self
Cure Disease Journeyman 140 Cure Disease on Self
Greater Convalescence Journeyman 138 Restore Health 20pts for 2sec on Target
Greater Fortify Endurance* Journeyman 102 Fortify Endurance 10pts for 90sec on Self
Heal Greater Wounds Journeyman 92 Restore Health 20pts for 2sec on Self
Greater Fortify Health Expert 158 Fortify Health 60pts for 60sec on Self
Greater Fortify Magicka Expert 169 Fortify Magicka 60 pts for 60sec on Self
Superior Convalescence Expert 277 Restore Health 20pts for 4sec on Target

* Indicates spells with effects which cannot be purchased anywhere else.

Purchased Spell Notes
  • The magicka cost for most purchasable spells matches the value you would calculate from the Spell Cost equation. In other words, if you were to create the same spell at the Spellmaking Altar, it would have the same magicka cost as the purchasable spell. There are a few exceptions. Spells that are a bad deal, i.e. more expensive than a custom spell, are in red; spells that are a good deal are in green. The magicka cost if you were to create a custom spell at the Spellmaking Altar is shown in parentheses.
  • The magicka cost for spells is dependent upon your skill in the school (as modified by Luck, see Magic Overview). The provided baseline values are the magicka cost when your skill level is 33. For other skill levels the magicka cost can be determined from:
Cost * (1.4 - 0.012 * Skill)
  • More powerful spells cost more to buy, have a higher skill requirement, and consume more Magicka.
  • Level indicates what skill level you must reach (or surpass) in order to use a spell. Skill Level 0-24 = Novice, 25-49 = Apprentice, 50-74 = Journeyman, 75-99 = Expert, 100 = Master.
  • The base cost in gold that you must pay to purchase a spell is always three times the current magicka cost of the spell, taking into account your character's skill level and Luck. (The actual cost you pay is further increased based on how well you haggle with the merchant.) Therefore, if you have any Fortify Skill or Fortify Luck spells/potions handy, you can get significantly better deals when purchasing spells.