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Morrowind:Yakaridan Camp

< Morrowind: Places: Camps
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Interior Images: added by Thuraya Salaris, checked by Dillonn241

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro
Yakaridan Camp
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Yakaridan Camp, Kitbael's Yurt
Grazelands, [10,12]
Yakaridan Camp

Yakaridan Camp is a yurt south of Tel Vos.


This camp is the simple home of the hostile outcast Ashlander Kitbael and his two friends, northeast of Zainab Camp. Two men are outside and one inside the yurt. Nind Dudnebisun outside is a trainer if you can calm him long enough to talk to him. A few simple weapons, armor, and alchemy ingredients can be found here. Like much of the Grazelands, the camp is thickly covered with wickwheat. These outcasts are blocking the south road from Tel Vos to the Zainab Camp.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Kitbael Assurnumanit   Dark Elf Barbarian 10 111 94 0 90 Kitbael's Yurt
Nind Dudnebisun   Dark Elf Scout 8 98 96 0 90 Outside Trainer
Patus Assumanallit   Dark Elf Archer 7 84 90 0 90 Outside