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Morrowind:Savile Imayn

< Morrowind: People / Merchants
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Savile Imayn (savile imayn)
Home Town Tel Aruhn
Store Slave Market
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 12 Class Merchant
Sells Slaves
Other Information
Health 108 Magicka 136
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Essential Yes
Savile Imayn

Savile Imayn is a Dark Elf merchant who runs the slave market in Tel Aruhn. She is the only person in the game from whom you can purchase slaves, despite there being multiple slave markets. You can choose to free them after purchasing them, earning you the respect of the Twin Lamps (there is no key for these slaves, so this is the only way to free them). Each slave costs 1000 gold, and this is not negotiable. Most notable of these is Falura Llervu, a Dunmer slave who you must disguise as a noble lady of House Telvanni in order to win the support of the Zainab Tribe during the Zainab Nerevarine quest. You can also buy Llaals Ores, a former miner, off her for the second phase of the Hlaalu stronghold.

Imayn herself cares little about the affairs outside the slave trade. She will, however, offer you a reward for returning escaped slaves to her, unlike other slave traders.

Imayn wears a full set of exquisite clothing, this including; a shirt, shoes, a skirt, ring, a belt and an amulet. She wields a steel flamesword, and carries 100 gold and two keys that unlock the cages of S'Bakha and Falura Llervu.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells; blightguard, cure common disease other, cure common disease, regenerate and Rilm's cure.

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Zainab Nerevarine: Travel to the Zainab camp in order for them to recognize you as the Nerevarine.

House HlaaluEdit



"Welcome, %PCName, to the Festival Slave Market, the finest slaves in Vvardenfell! I'm Savile Imayn, and I know we have the slave for you. Are you looking for standard household slaves, %PCName, or are you looking for something special?"
household slaves
"The following slaves are available for purchase: S'Bakha, a Khajiit male; Manilian Scerius, an Imperial male; Menelras, a Bosmer male; Ciralinde, an Altmer female; Jadier Mannick, a Breton male, and Davina, a Redguard female."


"Interested in something more refined? Ciralinde is the same price as the others. 1000 gold. And well worth it for such a rarity! An Altmer slave!"
Buy the slave.
"Well, well. Ciralinde is now yours. She will be carefully removed from the slavepit and should be waiting for you just inside. I hope you enjoy your purchase."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves." (If your gold is less than 1000)
"Unfortunately, I have just been informed that we've lost Ciralinde recently." (If Ciralinde is dead)
"Ciralinde is yours. I hope everything works out. Altmer are unaccustomed to slavery." (If Ciralinde is already owned)
"Surely you would not turn down such an offer? I acquired her legally. She was a wanted criminal."


"Redguards make fine servants. Especially Redguard women. They are just as hardy as the men, but less rebellious. She is 1000 drakes just like the others."
Buy the slave.
"Davina is now yours. I will have her brought forth from the slavepit. She should be waiting just inside."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves."
"I just heard that Davina met with a small accident while waiting for sale. I'm afraid she is no longer available."
"You already purchased Davina. I hope you are satisfied with her work."
"Come back when you change your mind."

Jadier MannickEdit

Jadier Mannick
"You are looking for a Breton? I am pleased. I thought I might never get rid of this one. He'll make a fine slave, I'm sure. It's just that Bretons are not as hard working as Orcs or Argonians. He is the same price as the others. 1000 drakes."
Buy the slave.
"Very well. Jadier Mannick is now yours. I will give the orders to have him removed from the slave pit. You can find him just inside."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves."
"Alas, I cannot not offer him to you. I heard that Jadier Mannick died recently."
"You already purchased him. I trust there was nothing wrong with the sale?"
"Come back when you change your mind."

Manilian SceriusEdit

Manilian Scerius
"Imperials are hard workers, but you have to watch them. Especially this one. He is the same price as the others, 1000 drakes."
Buy the slave.
"Very well. Manilian Scerius is now yours. I will give the orders to have him removed from the slave pit. You can find him just inside."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves."
"Alas, I cannot not offer him to you. I believe Manilian is dead."
"You already purchased Manilian. I hope he is working hard for you."
"Come back when you change your mind."


"The Bosmer are the truly the least of the elven races. He is the same price as the others, 1000 drakes."
Buy the slave.
"Very well. Menelras is now yours. I will give the orders to have him removed from the slave pit. You can find him just inside."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves."
"Alas, I cannot not offer him to you. I believe Menelras is dead."
"You already purchased Menelras. I hope he is working hard for you."
"Come back when you change your mind."


"Ah, a traditionalist. The Khajiit are naturally well suited for slavery. He is the same price as the others, 1000 drakes."
"I suspect you are going to buy him just to set him free. It makes no different [sic] to me. I get paid either way. 1000 drakes." (If PC is a Khajiit)
"You already purchased S'Bakha. I hope he is working hard for you." (If S'Bakha is already owned)
Buy the slave.
"Very well. S'Bakha is now yours. I will give the orders to have him removed from the slave pit. You can find him just inside."
"I'm sorry but you don't have enough gold to afford my fine slaves."
"Alas, I cannot not offer him to you. I believe S'Bakha is dead."
"Come back when you change your mind."


Slave Price
Ciralinde 1000
Davina 1000
Falura Llervu* 1200-600 (depending on Mercantile)
Jadier Mannick 1000
Llaals Ores** 200
Manilian Scerius 1000
Menelras 1000
S'Bakha 1000

(*) Only available during Zainab Nerevarine
(**) Only available during Stronghold (Hlaalu)