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Morrowind:Guard Ralen Tilvur

< Morrowind: Quests: House Hlaalu / Vivec City
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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Guard Ralen Tilvur's smithy in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Plaza from thieves.
Quest Giver: Edryno Arethi in Vivec, Hlaalu canton
Location(s): Vivec
Prerequisite Quest: The Shipwreck 'Prelude'
Next Quest: New Quest Giver
Reward: 1000 gold
Disposition: +10 (Edryno Arethi)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Hlaalu),
+1 Reputation
ID: HH_GuardMerchant

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Edryno Arethi for business.
  2. Travel to Ralen Tilvur's smith shop to guard it against thefts.
  3. Talk to Ralen Tilvur about the thefts.
  4. Kill Drarel Andus, the thief.
  5. Return to Edryno Arethi.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit


Edryno Arethi, in her house on the Hlaalu Waistworks in Vivec, will ask you to guard Ralen Tilvur's smith shop in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Plaza, which has been broken into the past three nights.

Taking Care of the ThiefEdit

The shop is in the southeast corner of the Plaza. Talk to Ralen and the thief, Drarel Andus, should immediately appear behind you. Kill the thief.

Return for your RewardEdit

Return to Arethi in Vivec, Hlaalu canton to complete the quest and receive 1000 gold for your services.


  • If Ralen Tilvur dies, you receive no rewards but no penalties either.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Guard Ralen Tilvur (HH_GuardMerchant)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Edryno Arethi told me that Ralen Tilvur's shop in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Plaza has been robbed three nights in a row. I must go to Ralen Tilvur's shop and kill any thieves that arrive.
50 A thief attacked me in Ralen Tilvur's shop.
100 Finishes quest  Edryno Arethi thanked me for killing the thief that was stealing from Ralen Tilvur.
200 Finishes quest  I told Edryno Arethi that Ralen Tilvur was dead.

Prev: The Shipwreck 'Prelude' Up: House Hlaalu Quests Next: New Quest Giver