The Loom of the Untraveled Road is a Daedric apparatus of unimaginable power created by Ithelia. It is said to be what Hermaeus Mora feared, leading to him taking action against Ithelia. Described as a series of portals within portals leading to the Many Paths, it is more of a place than an engine, residing within a pocket dimension within Fargrave. With the Loom Ithelia is said to be able to reshape the fates, accessing alternate fates and histories from the Many Paths and weaving them into reality, or even granting each being their own desired history to break fate's shackles. Places that were part of Mirrormoor are said to be fundamentally connected to the Loom, and artifacts used in such locations will have their power drained by the Loom as it gains power. Through the Loom Ithelia can also draw immense amounts of power from the Many Paths, though the untold amounts of energy ultimately overwhelm her, transforming her into the Last Tomorrow, the threat Hermaeus Mora foresaw. Even after being destroyed through the use of Boethiah's Blade, Abolisher, the Loom still radiates power, preventing approach through portal magic and making the area around the Loom itself unstable, threatening anyone lingering there with the possibility of becoming lost in the Many Paths.[1][2][3][4][5][6]