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Blades:Picking up the Pieces

< Blades: Quests: Bloodfall Queen
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Bloodfall Queen Questline
Investigate a raided village.
Rarity: Uncommon
Quest Giver: Wanum
Location(s): Forest
Prerequisite Quest: The Bloodfall Queen
Next Quest: The Greencaps' Trail
Reward(s): Silver Chest, 000020002,000Gold
XP: 250
ID: BQ01
Recommended Level: Player Level 11
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
I must go to a recent raid site to see if it was the work of the Greencap Bandits.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Try to find evidence of Greencaps' involvement

Detailed WalkthroughEdit


secret area can be found in the camp with 2nd wooden chest (after meeting & killing 1st mercenary). the lever is just on your right as you enter the area, the hidden area itself is accessed through a house on upper left corner

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