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Tribunal:Great Bazaar

< Tribunal: Places
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Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Chezburgar
The Great Bazaar

The Great Bazaar is the merchant quarter of Mournhold. There is an outdoor theater for the Mournhold Players located on the west side of this quarter. The east side, the main bazaar area, has two rows of shops. The north row has a magic shop, armorer, and bookseller. The south row has a clothier, pawnbroker, and trader. At the very south corner of the Great Bazaar is the entrance to the Bazaar Sewers. Besides the sewers, the Great Bazaar is connected to the Temple Courtyard (Northeast Gate) and Plaza Brindisi Dorom (Southeast Gate).

Related QuestsEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Bedal Alen   Dark Elf Merchant House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 12 113 136 0 30 Bookseller Does not actually buy/sell from you
Belwen   Wood Elf Clothier 40 232 200 100 30 Clothier Merchant
Catia Sosia   Imperial Smith 40 332 142 0 30 Armory Blacksmith; Merchant
Daron   Redguard Smith 30 271 106 0 30 Outside Blacksmith; Merchant
Drathas Reyas   Dark Elf Acrobat 10 102 94 0 30 Outside
Dravil Indrano   Dark Elf Assassin 25 168 168 0 30 Outside
Fonari Indaren   Dark Elf Apothecary Service 30 156 200 100 30 Outside Merchant
Fons Beren   Dark Elf Noble 30 212 172 0 30 Outside
Gureryne Selvilo   Dark Elf Savant 5 54 116 0 30 Outside
Jeanne Andre   Breton Mage Service 40 178 200 0 30 Magic Shop Spells, Spellmaker
Jodhur   Khajiit Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Marena Gilnith   Dark Elf Commoner 20 153 122 0 30 Outside
Meralyn Othan   Dark Elf Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Meryn Othralas   Dark Elf Savant 5 59 115 0 30 Outside
Nevama Sarobar   Dark Elf Commoner 15 123 110 0 30 Outside
Ovis Velas   Dark Elf Mage 1 40 100 0 30 Outside Appears only after starting The Summoner quest
Rerlas Mon   Breton Merchant 15 128 164 0 30 Outside Sells pet companions
Roner Arano   Dark Elf Pawnbroker 25 162 176 0 30 Outside Merchant
Sanaso Sarothran   Dark Elf Bookseller 35 203 200 100 30 Bookseller Merchant
Suldreni Salandas   Dark Elf Noble 40 267 200 0 0 Outside
Sunel Hlas   Dark Elf Trader Service 35 250 288 0 30 Trader Merchant
'Ten-Tongues' Weerhat   Argonian Pawnbroker 15 93 102 100 30 Pawnbroker Merchant
Ungeleb   Wood Elf Alchemist Service 40 184 200 0 30 Magic Shop Merchant

