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Tamriel Rebuilt:Marug gro-Meridius

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Merchants
Marug gro-Meridius (TR_m4_Marug_gro-Meridiu; TR_m4_Marug2)
Home City Andothren
Location Guild of Mages; later Bthuangthuv
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 2 Class Mage
Gold 150 Mercantile Novice (5)
Sells Books, Ingredients, Magic Items, Potions
  • Magic Items Magic Items
Other Information
Health 51 Magicka 84
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 1(Apprentice); later Thieves Guild 0(Toad)
Marug gro-Meridius

Marug gro-Meridius is an Orc Mage initially found within the Guild of Mages in Andothren. His fingers seem more suited to thievery then spellcraft however, and when his robbery of Master Wizard Ethalvora's bedroom goes wrong, he is set for expulsion from the guild. It is at this low in his life that you may recruit him to the Thieves Guild cell re-establishing itself in the ruins Bthuangthuv.

By his own admission "the world of crime is still quite new" to him, but Marug settles in quickly. He is the one to give you a lead on a valuable amulet in The Oldest Trick in the Book, and if given funds to improve the hideout, will furnish it with mushrooms for the sake of having both ingredients and decor. He will also sell magical scrolls and potions to you if asked.

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Thieves GuildEdit