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< Skyrim: Items: Artifacts
Unique Item: Torment (xx000B5F)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by The Cause
Editor ID ccBGSSSE067_DaedricLongswordTorment
Damage Damage 18
Damage Damage 18 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.05
Weight Weight 16 Value Value 3163
Quality Tempering Ebony Ingot
Quality Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Burns the target for 30 points. Targets on fire take extra damage.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/37=81

Torment is a unique sword, wielded by Valkyn Methats in the Deadlands. Its enchantment deals fire damage. Torment has the highest base damage and highest reach of all one-handed swords.



  • Torment could inexplicably lose all its soul charge. ?
  • After a while, Torment doesn't sit correctly on weapon racks. Instead of hanging from its hilt, it hangs from somewhere along the blade. ?
    •   Those affected by this issue could use the Console to drop and delete Torment, and spawn a new one.
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