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Aid the Hammerfell resistance.
Quest Giver: Talking to Azadi in Shor's Stone
Location(s): Shor's Stone, Purewater Run, Karthwasten, Ivarstead
Reward: 400, 800 or 1600 gold
ID: ccEDHSSE003_Quest
Added by: Redguard Elite Armaments

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Azadi in Shor's Stone.
  2. Read Azadi's Note and wait for a courier to deliver another letter to you.
  3. Travel to Purewater Run and speak to Fijeh.
  4. Read Fijeh's instructions.
  5. Head to the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead, and speak to Sirayar.
  6. Return to Fijeh at Purewater Run.
  7. Travel to Sunderstone Gorge where you can either attack the caravan on your own or meetup with the Remnants.
  8. Head back to Purewater Run and speak to Rakeed and Fijeh.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit



To begin this quest, speak to Azadi in Shor's Stone where you can either brawl him or speak him down:

"Well, look what we have here."
Looking for a fight?
Option Dialogue Reaction
Alright, which side of your face would you like rearranged? (Brawl) "I'll teach you to talk to me that way!" Brawl begins
You don't frighten me. All you're doing is being insufferable. Leave. (Persuade) Passed: "Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. Thank you. Here, this is for you."
Failed: "I'll teach you to talk to me that way."
Passed: Gives note and warps away
Failed: Brawl begins
I don't have time for this right now. "I can smell your shame!" Nothing

After defeating him in a brawl:

"You're tougher than you look. You got me, fair and square. Thank you. Here this is for you."

He will then hand you a note and disappear. Read the note and wait for a courier to deliver another letter to you.

Purewater RunEdit

Fijeh awaits your arrival

Once you have read the courier’s letter, you will need to travel to Purewater Run. Once you arrive, speak to Fijeh:

"Out with it."
You must be Fijeh.
I'd like to help your missing Remnant, Rakeed. What comes next?
"It's all in this note."
I don't work for free. Before this goes further, we need to talk about payment.
"A little coin always greases the wheels. How much?"
Option Dialogue
400 gold seems reasonable. "For that price? Sure."
I wouldn't do this for any less than 800 gold. (Persuade) Passed: "How can I argue with that?"
Failed: "Nah, I don't think so."
There's other contracts I could be working right now. 1600 gold. (Persuade) Passed: "How can I argue with that?"
Failed: "You expect me to believe that?"

All three options will lead to the following dialogue:

It's settled then. What's next?
"It's all in this note. Now... this conversation never happened. Understood?"
I'll return soon.
"Good luck out there."
I hope Rakeed is worth all of this trouble.
"Good luck out there."

Alternatively, you can tell him:

Actually, I don't have time to deal with this right now.

He will then hand you instructions which explain that the Remnants have agents that have lived in Skyrim for over 20 years, that one lives in the Miner's Barracks in Karthwasten and the other should be waiting for you in front of Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead.


Head to the Miner's Barracks in Karthwasten, where you will find Josla sitting behind the barracks. Speak to her:

"The ravens take flight once more."
"Of course. Let's both get on with our lives now, hmm?"

She will then hand you a note which states that she overheard that a Hammerfell noble from Sentinel would be crossing the border in the next few days and paid a hefty coin purse to the Thalmor to ensure safe passage to Blacklight. She suspects that the noble is Ismal and that Rakeed would most likely be with him.


Head to the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead, where you will find Sirayar:

"The ravens take flight once more."
"I understand. Anyway, it's done. Time to move on."

He will then hand you a note which states that the wagon will be passing by Sunderstone Gorge.

Ambush the ThalmorEdit

The Remnants await you.

Return to Fijeh at Purewater Run:

Ismal has been traveling with a caravan of Thalmor to Morrowind.
"You've done well."
They will enter Skyrim from the southwest, passing by Sunderstone Gorge.
"It just so happens I've got some scouts along the road. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan."
Sounds good.
"Here. This is for you."
I prefer to work alone.
"I understand. Go in quiet, break our man out, then get out of there. Don't risk combat if you can avoid it. If you can't, then give 'em hell. Here. This is for you."
I'll make sure your man gets out safely.
"Stay sharp out there."
I only want to kill Thalmor. I can't promise anything else.
"It can't be helped."

He will then hand you the key to the remnant supply chest that can be found near him. Unlock the chest and it contains:

Travel to Sunderstone Gorge where you can either attack the caravan on your own or meetup with the Remnants.

Rakeed and the fight.

Meet up with the three Remnants and they will charge to the caravan alongside you. You will have to fight four Thalmor soldiers and Ismal, who wields Boneshaver.

Once the Thalmor and Ismal have been dispatched, rescue Rakeed:

"Please! Have mercy... I beg you..."
Wait Here. I'll be back.
"This doesn't look good."
(Cut Rakeed's Bonds)
"Thanks a lot."

When freed he will then turn himself invisible and disappear. Additionally before leaving the three remaining Remnant Agents can be pickpocketed from or killed with no consequence to gain even more enchanted Remnant sets of armor and weapons. Finally head back to Purewater Run where Rakeed and Fijeh are waiting:

"You made it! I'm impressed. It was a gamble, but turned out well."
Good luck out there. I hope we meet again someday.
"Thank you. Here, this is for you. May the gods keep you."
More than deserving of some payment, I'd say.
"Thank you. Here, this is for you. May the gods keep you."

You will receive the gold you and Fijeh agreed on, and both Rakeed and Fijeh will vanish with the casting of Invisibility spells. This ends the quest.

In addition to the rewards from the chest, you will now be able to smith the Remnant Armor, Boots, Gloves, Hood, Shield and Scimitars. These are the unenchanted versions of the Remnant Agent armor pieces and scimitars that you picked from the chest (all of which are enchanted except for the shield): they are to be found in the Steel menu, but require the Advanced Armors perk (on the left side of the Smithing tree) to forge, or to temper properly.


  • When Rakeed is rescued he is wearing a white variant of the Execution Hood which was always in the game files yet unobtainable and marked as unplayable.


  • Both Josla and Sirayar can have the code phrase repeated to them indefinitely resulting in an unlimited number of their notes. ?
  • Azadi may not initiate dialogue when speaking to him and will only respond in generic dialogue such as "Need something?" and "Huh?" ?
  • When you talk to Azadi and choose the brawl option, he may not initiate combat. This will give you a bounty for assault if you attack him.
  • When you win the brawl with Azadi, he may only say "You're tougher than you look. You got me, fair and square." and not say the second line "Thank you. Here, this is for you.", so you will not get his note. Talking to him again will only result in "Need something?" and "Huh?" ?
    •   To fix this, use the console command setstage ccEDHSSE003_Quest 22. Afterwards talk to Azadi and he will have the proper dialogue and give you the note.

Quest StagesEdit

Interception (ccEDHSSE003_Quest)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 A fighter in Shor's Stone has been rumored to have been causing trouble by trying to start fights with anyone who passes by. I should see if there's a way to get him to stop being such a nuisance.
Objective 10: Speak to the fighter in Shor's Stone
20 I accepted Azadi's challenge in Shor's Stone, and must now defeat him in an unarmed brawl. Perhaps if I beat some sense into him, he will go someplace else.
Objective 15: Defeat Azadi in an unarmed brawl
25 I convinced Azadi to stop bothering the residents of Shor's Stone without a fight. He handed me a note, and then vanished into thin air. I should read what the note has to say.
Objective 20: Read Azadi's note
25 I defeated Azadi in an unarmed brawl. After the fight, he handed me a note, and then vanished into thin air. I should read what the note has to say.
Objective 20: Read Azadi's note
30 Azadi's note was mysterious, only saying that "they" would somehow contact me. I should expect to receive a letter from a courier soon.
Objective 30: Wait to be contacted by courier
40 I received a letter from someone named Fijeh by courier. I should read what it has to say.
Objective 40: Read Fijeh's letter
50 I received a letter from Fijeh, who seemed to know about my encounter with Azadi. Fijeh and Azadi are members of a secretive group of spies and warriors from Hammerfell called the Remnants. Fijeh is trying to rescue a fellow Remnant that was captured by the Thalmor, aided by a Thalmor sympathizer. Fijeh would like my assistance in helping track down his brother in arms. He asked to meet in Purewater Run, in the hills near Markarth.
Objective 50: Travel to Purewater Run
Objective 55: Talk to Fijeh
60 I met Fijeh in Purewater Run. He handed me a set of instructions detailing the next step of the mission to rescue Rakeed.
Objective 60: Read Fijeh's instructions
62 Fijeh has requested that I gather intelligence about the whereabouts of the captured Remnant from two spies, in Karthwasten and Ivarstead, by speaking a special phrase to them: "The ravens take flight once more."
Objective 70: Find the Remnant spy behind the Miner's Barracks in Karthwasten
Objective 80: Find the Remnant spy in front of Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead
80 I spoke the secret phrase to Josla, a Remnant spy in Karthwasten. She handed me a note that should contain information about the whereabouts of the captured Remnant.
Objective 75: Read Josla's note
82 After speaking to a Remnant spy, I learned that Rakeed will be transported through Skyrim very soon under heavy Thalmor guard by caravan, along with the Hammerfell noble that aided in his capture. Their destination is the city of Blacklight in Morrowind. I should seek out the spy in Ivarstead to learn more.
85 I spoke the secret phrase to Sirayar, a Remnant spy in Ivarstead. He handed me a note that should contain information about the whereabouts of the captured Remnant.
Objective 85: Read Sirayar's note
87 After speaking to a Remnant spy, I learned that Rakeed will be transported to Morrowind through Skyrim by crossing the border to the southwest from Hammerfell, and should be traveling the road near Sunderstone Gorge. I should seek out the spy in Karthwasten to learn more.
90 I have gathered information from both of the Remnant spies that reside in Skyrim. It seems that the Thalmor will be transporting Rakeed to Morrowind very soon, crossing the border into Skyrim from the southwest and traveling the road near Sunderstone Gorge. I should return to Purewater Run and discuss the next step with Fijeh.
Objective 100: Return to Fijeh
100 Fijeh has handed me a key to the Remnant supply chest. We plan to attack Ismal's caravan as soon as everyone is gathered at the attack location. Alternatively, I can approach the caravan and get the job done myself.
Objective 110: Obtain the Remnant equipment from the supply chest
Objective 120 or 125: Join the Remnant warriors to begin the assault or Approach the caravan alone
110 I've begun my assault on Ismal's caravan in my attempt to free Rakeed.
120 I met the Remnant warriors near Ismal's caravan. We now need to find Rakeed and free him from the Thalmor.
Objective 130: Free the hostage
140 Rakeed has been rescued from the Thalmor caravan. I should speak to Fijeh one last time now that the mission is complete.
Objective 160: Return to Fijeh
200 Fijeh thanked me and paid me for my efforts. And with that, Fijeh cast an invisibility spell and disappeared along with Rakeed. I should investigate the Remnant supply chest that Fijeh gave me a key to unlock.
200 Finishes quest  Fijeh thanked me and paid me for my efforts. And with that, Fijeh cast an invisibility spell and disappeared along with Rakeed. I searched the supply chest that Fijeh gave me a key to unlock, and discovered a set of Remnant weapons and armor.
250 Finishes quest  Fijeh thanked me and paid me for my efforts. And with that, Fijeh cast an invisibility spell and disappeared along with Rakeed. I searched the supply chest that Fijeh gave me a key to unlock, and discovered a set of Remnant weapons and armor.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 21, 22, 57.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage ccEDHSSE003_Quest stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest ccEDHSSE003_Quest.