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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Well Met By Moonlight

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Quests: Miscellaneous / Anvil
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It needs to be confirmed if you can still get this quest if you side with Herrius Thimistrel in the Kingdom of Anvil questline
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Class divides beset a fledgling love.
Quest Giver: Reymanus Pelelius
Location(s): Anvil, Port Quarter
Reward: Girdle of Inspiration
Disposition: +20 (Reymanus Pelelius)
ID: PC_m1_Anv_WellMet
Reymanus waits beneath Bendu Olo's statue

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Reymanus Pelelius in Anvil's Port Quarter between 11pm and 8am about yearns for love and young, charming Breton.
  2. Agree to help find Wynn Jenseric.
  3. Talk to Julius Volchar and then Habas (both at the Sailor's Fluke) about young, charming Breton.
  4. Speak with Wynn Jenseric at the Bathhouse: Apartments.
  5. (Optional) Report on the situation to Reymanus.
  6. Escort Wynn from the Bathhouse, leaving by either...
    • ...the west door.
      • On being challenged by Galtus Melussa, either:
        • Warn Galtus that Wynn is under your protection or challenge him to a fight (while level 30+).
        • Do the above while under level 30, then kill Galtus in the ensuing combat.
        • Ask what his problem is, then choose one of the above options, or...
          • Press him on the reasons for the harrassment (requires 70+ disposition, or 50+ Speechcraft).
    • ...the east door.
  7. Escort Wynn to Reymanus by Bendu Olo's statue.
  8. Speak to Solvus Orrich and either:
    • Say you'll be leaving now while not a member of the Kingdom of Anvil (ends quest with 50 gold reward).
    • Say you'll be leaving now while a member of the Kingdom of Anvil (ends quest with no reward).
    • Pick any other response.
  9. Talk to Reymanus Pelelius and commit to changing Solvus' mind.
  10. Speak to Solvus about the young, charming Breton and either:
    • Make a case with reference to Dibella with either...
    • Make a case for the value of the lower classes, and then for the competent poor rising to fitting positions (requires 70+ disposition).
  11. Talk to Reymanus.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Stood up by a statueEdit

If traveling the Port Quarter of Anvil between 11pm and 8am (see Notes), you can encounter the Marshal of the Coast, Reymanus Pelelius, waiting by the statue of Bendu Olo. He's in a romantic mood, and will speak of how he yearns for love. Press him on the topic, and you'll discover that he is awaiting the company of a young, charming Breton. This is somebody who he met at the Sailor's Fluke, while seeking a break from the isolation of his manor and those of his own class at The Abecette. Yet the appointed meeting time has been missed, and Reymanus will ask you to help locate his love - one Wynn Jenseric. He suggests asking about the poorer areas of town.

A young, charming BretonEdit

The Sailor's Fluke, being the place that the two men met, is the best lead here. Go to Little Arenthia and enter the inn. The innkeeper, Julius Volchar will (with 30+ disposition) describe the aftermath of Reymanus' departure, which clearly turned some heads. Apparently, a drunken sailor named Galtus Melussa took issue with Reymanus' beau, Wynn, after the marshal had left. Galtus accused him of trying to seduce wealthy men, and a fight nearly broke out. Julius had his friend Habas escort Wynn home. Habas is at the bar, so talk to him to get Wynn's address - a room in the Bathhouse Apartments.

The Bathhouse is a little way to the east of the Sailor's Fluke, while still in Little Arenthia. Enter the apartments section and speak to Wynn Jenseric in the corridor about the young, charming Breton topic. He's guiltridden - he had a great time with Reymanus, but it turns out that Galtus threatened to beat him to death if he continued "whoring myself out to noble dimwits". Wynn fears to make the appointed date with Reymanus as a result.

You will be given the option of offering to escort Wynn to Reymanus, or of promising to tell Reymanus about what's going on. The latter option will see Reymanus ask you to escort Wynn to you anyway, so you may as well pick the first.

Wynn will follow you out of the Bathhouse. You've a choice of two doors to leave the building through - one in the west, and one in the east. The east door lets you leave without challenge. Beyond the west door lies the angry Galtus Melussa.

Galtus MelussaEdit

On leaving via the west door, you'll be challenged by Galtus Melussa. You've a couple of dialogue options here. Choosing "This man is under my protection. Turn away and leave us alone!" will result in a fight to the death, unless you happen to be Level 30 or higher, in which case Galtus backs off. This is also the case if you challenge him to a fight in the first place. Choosing "What has he done for you to assault him like this?" unlocks another peaceful option. Galtus will initially claim to be annoyed at being thrown out of the Sailor's Fluke following the last altercation, but you can press him on this. With 70+ disposition or 50+ Speechcraft, he will crumble and confess a mixture of jealousy and loneliness - backing off without a fight. Otherwise, he will furiously attack, and you must kill him.

The couple reunitedEdit

Galtus dealt with (or evaded), proceed with Wynn to the statue where Reymanus waits. He's been joined in your absence by the Queen's seneschal, Solvus Orrich. Once Wynn gets close enough, your journal will update. Talking to Reymanus will reveal that Solvus is dead against this union. Reymanus will urge you to intercede with him.

Talk to Solvus. His anger is directed at Reymanus and Wynn, and he's a little confused by your presence, and asks you to explain it. Any option other than "I'll be leaving now" will do here, although if you do pick this and are not part of the Kingdom of Anvil faction, he will give you 50 gold "for your trouble" (and perhaps, silence).

Standing your groundEdit

Assuming that you don't skedaddle however, your conversation with Solvus will end at an impasse. Speak to Reymanus once more. He asks you to persuade Solvus to change his mind. Claiming that there's nothing you can do will end the quest and knock 25 points off of Reymanus' disposition. Agree to help however, and you'll need to speak to Solvus again. Begin with the young, charming Breton topic. Solvus will respond "What about him?". You have three choices to respond with. Arguing that Reymanus' happiness is more important than her Majesty's reputation is a non-starter, so don't. You can make poetic reference to Dibella, which can bear fruit if you have 80+ disposition with Solvus, or else if you have 50+ disposition and are a member of either the Imperial Cult or Order of Itinerant Priests.

Otherwise, you can note that Anvil owes its standing to the work of all races, creed and craft. This triggers a rebuttal - Solvus claims that if the aristocratic class remains small and sticks to its own, then everything runs more smoothly - for everybody in positions of power knows each other. You have two choices of response for this, but picking the one that claims he is pretending to act for the common good will end the conversation with a -20 disposition hit. You can try again, but be sure to pick the other option - claiming that rich and poor need to cross paths in order to allow competent people to rise to fitting positions. Solvus is persuadable on this, and with 70+ disposition will concede the argument.

You can now speak to an elated Reymanus. He will reward you for your work here, granting you the enchanted Girdle of Inspiration. Further attempts to talk to him this night will be fruitless - both he and Wynn have plans.


  • The check that determines whether Reymanus appears or disappears is performed on entering the Port Quarter cell from another outdoor cell, so waiting by the statue for Reymanus to appear will be a fruitless endeavor.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Well Met By Moonlight (PC_m1_Anv_WellMet)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I met the kingdom's Marshal Reymanus Pelelius on the Anvil docks, wandering alone under Bendu Olo's statue. He's waiting for his date Wynn Jenseric, a young, charming Breton pauper he recently met in the Sailor's Fluke, a tavern in Little Arenthia. He wants me to find him, see if he's alright, and find out why he's late to their rendezvous.
20 While inquiring after Wynn Jenseric at the Sailor's Fluke, I was told that a young Breton was recently seen talking to Reymanus Pelelius, before being harassed by an inebriated client later in the evening. Julius Volchar, the publican, had him escorted to his apartment above the bathhouse.
30 I met Wynn Jenseric wandering nervously in front of his apartment. He wants to see Reymanus Pelelius, but is afraid to go outside and be caught by Galtus Melussa, the sailor who harassed him at the Sailor's Fluke the night he met Pelelius.
35 I told Wynn Jenseric that I would warn Reymanus Pelelius that he was stuck in front of his apartment.
40 I told Reymanus Pelelius that Wynn Jenseric was missing their appointment due to his fear of being attacked in the streets. He asked me if I could go back to the bathhouse and escort Jenseric to him.
45 I told Reymanus Pelelius that Wynn Jenseric wasn't interested in meeting with him.
50 I agreed to accompany Wynn Jenseric to his date with Reymanus Pelelius, under Bendu Olo's statue.
53 I managed to get rid of Galtus Melussa, the man who was threatening Wynn Jenseric.
55 Wynn Jenseric is dead.
57 I brought Wynn Jenseric back to Reymanus Pelelius.
60 When I arrived back at Bendu Olo's statue with Wynn Jenseric, I found that Reymanus Pelelius had been joined by Solvus Orrich, royal steward to Queen regent Millona Conomorus, who happens to be Reymanus' sister. Orrich is furious that a close relative of the queen would associate with someone so far below his social status.
70 I managed to convince Solvus Orrich to stay out of Reymanus Pelelius' romance with Wynn Jenseric.
75 Finishes quest  I failed to convince Solvus Orrich to stay out of Reymanus Pelelius' romance with Wynn Jenseric.
80 Finishes quest  Reymanus Pelelius rewarded me for getting Solvus Orrich out of the way of his love for Wynn Jenseric.
90 Finishes quest  Reymanus Pelelius rewarded me for reuniting him with Wynn Jenseric.
95 Finishes quest  Reymanus Pelelius was devastated by his lover's death.
100 Finishes quest  Reymanus Pelelius is dead.
110 Finishes quest  With my recent actions against the Kingdom of Anvil, it seems unlikely that I will be allowed to further involve myself in Reymanus Pelelius' affairs.