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Online talk:Ancestral Tombs

Unnamed TombEdit

Could the "Unnamed Ancestral Tomb" actually be Rothan Ancestral Tomb? It's a little bit further north than the given location, but many of the locations have moved by varying degrees between original MW and ESO:MW, and this region is also very volcanicly active, so it's not out of the question that it could get moved that far over a long period of time (and potential Dragon Break event(s)). — TheRealLurlock (talk) 02:06, 30 June 2017 (UTC)

If the names of all the unnamed ESO tombs were based solely on proximity to a named Morrowind tomb, without any in-game indications of name, then yeah, I would think that would be fine. Ularra moved significantly more than that, after all. --Enodoc (talk) 10:45, 30 June 2017 (UTC)
I was wondering about the same thing when I found it, but decided not to make a connection between the two. Every other tomb is practically perfectly where it should be, and this one is significantly further away. It is of course entirely possible that it is a back entrance to the Rothan tomb or something, but it is still so far from the TES III location that I don't feel convinced that the two are to be considered them to be the same location without additional evidence - and we have none. In case of Ularra, we have not only the name, but also I think that the map marker is supposed to be the some kind of an entry point, and the actual ruin is to the east of Ald'ruhn (and can be partially seen there on the map). However, I might be wrong here as I have never actually visited Ularra and I don't know where your map pointer shows up when you're there. --Vordur Steel-Hammer (TINV1K) 17:00, 30 June 2017 (UTC)
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