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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in Imperial City, but removed before release.

Destroy Secundinus the Despoiler.
Zone: Imperial City
Quest Giver: Hunting Board
Location(s): Alessian Tombs
Prerequisite Quest: Shroud of Lost Souls
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
Secundinus' lair
I found a notice on the Hunting Board offering a reward for Secundinus the Despoiler

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Slay Secundinus the Despoiler in the Alessian Tombs.
  2. Return to the Quartermaster at your alliance base.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Check the Hunting Board for a bounty.

Ebonheart Pact Base  
Aldmeri Dominion Base  
Daggerfall Covenant Base  
"Pinned to the board is a notice from Quartermaster Shugabakh:
"Secundinus the Despoiler has returned, claiming victims and dragging them into the sewers beneath the City. Anyone who banishes this wraith, see me for a reward."
- Shugabakh"
Pinned to the board is a notice from Quartermaster Laerryll:
"Secundinus the Despoiler has returned, claiming victims and dragging them into the sewers beneath the City. Anyone who banishes this wraith, see me for a reward."
- Laerryll
Pinned to the board is a notice from Quartermaster Littorn:
"Secundinus the Despoiler has returned, claiming victims and dragging them into the sewers beneath the City. Anyone who banishes this wraith, see me for a reward."
- Littorn

You'd need to travel to the Alessian Tombs at the end of the Ebonheart Pact section of the sewers and slay the wraith, Secundinus the Despoiler. Once the job was done, you'd need to see the Quartermaster for a reward.

Quartermaster Shugabakh  
Quartermaster Laerryll  
Quartermaster Littorn  
"Aren't you supposed to be out hunting Daedra?"
I killed Secundinus the Despoiler.
"I like bashing things with my axe. Always have. Scamps and Daedra make a satisfying crunch when I hit them. Ghosts and wraiths don't crunch the same way. I don't like it.
Glad you're doing it for me."
"Fire traps would be a nice accent for the base. They'd keep the Daedra and the cultists away too.
Did you want to talk to me?"
I killed Secundinus the Despoiler.
"That creep has been haunting the sewers forever, it seems like. The one time I hunted it, I got knocked facefirst into a jagged rock.
Here, don't forget your reward."
"What is it, soldier? General Aklash has lots for me to do."
I killed Secundinus the Despoiler.
"Banished the wraith, eh? We always know when it comes back, as the rumors and panic spread quickly.
Enjoy your reward."

Quest StagesEdit

Restless Souls
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Finishes quest   
Objective: Talk to Quartermaster Shugabakh
Finishes quest   
Objective: Talk to Quartermaster Laerryll
Finishes quest   
Objective: Talk to Quartermaster Littorn
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