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Forged Black Book
Category Library (Literature)
Quality Epic
Limit Type Traditional Furnishings
Bind Bind on Pickup
Behavior Interactable
A remarkable simulacrum of the real thing. Mind your sanity, now. This is a small house item.
Forged Black Book

The Forged Black Book is a furnishing that is actually an arcanist's tome instead of a Black Book (see note below).

Available FromEdit

  • After completing this entry in the Antiquity Codex, this furnishing may be purchased from Vasei in Necrom, for 0002000020,000  .
  • Codex Entries required: 3


This antiquity furnishing can be obtained via the Antiquities system. First, you must obtain the following Antiquity lead:

Icon Lead Location Source(s) Difficulty Codex
  Lead: Forged Black Book Apocrypha Advanced Reginus Buca Ugron gro-Thumog Verita Numida
A facsimile, clearly. But so well made it's clear the forger had access to an original during the creation process. Why would anyone make such a thing? And how? And why? I've seen stranger in some of the dark places beneath Tamriel. My guess? Someone had a lot of time on their hands. Profit, would be my guess. Someone must have realized too late they were tricked by this beautiful creation and thrown it away.

Release Notes

Update 40 (Infinite Archive - October 2023)

  • Released


  • This book actually resembles those used by arcanists. It was revealed that Black Books are not the same thing as arcanist books. Hermaeus Mora himself has compared the two: both are forms of knowledge that he allows into Nirn.
  • Loremaster's Archive - The Arcanists notates that an arcanist's book is useless and gibberish to anyone but who it originally bonded to, fitting the researcher's confusion on it being a fake Black Book. Here it also features Azandar al-Cybiades explaining to the University of Gwilym who are unfamiliar with the topic, what arcanists and their tomes are.
