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Online:Crafting Motif 16: Glass Shields

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Crafting Motif 16: Glass Shields
ID 3078
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Crafting Motif 16: Glass Shields
by Vandalion Brightsteel, Armorsmith Peerless of Vulkhel Guard
A description of what glass style shields should look like

During the recent strife in Firsthold, certain reference works were lost from the great library, so His Excellency Kinlord Rilis has asked the leading experts of Auridon to replace them with new accounts. For the definitive description of the Glass crafting style, naturally our wise sovereign turned to me.


For a shield that is nearly all metal, glass shields are remarkably light, precisely because they're mostly glass plates held in a slender matrix of steel. Two broad glass wings, usually avian-themed, flare out from central steel ribs to broad "feathered" edges.