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Home Settlement Mathiisen
Location At a market stall
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Chirrabi is a Khajiit metalworker and acquaintance of Tanlorin. She can be found at the market in Mathiisen.

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You will be helpuubg Tanlorin with collecting some reagents to create some Resonating Fluid, in the hopes of finding her missing friends. One of the required ingredients is Silver Dust, and you are told to speak with Chirrabi about obtaining some and are given a pass-phrase to help with this.

Once you arrive in Mathiisen you will soon find in the middle of work:

"Did Nivan send you to haggle in his stead? Tell him he should not have bothered. He's out of his mind if he thinks this one will sell him shields at half their worth.
Chirrabi cannot eat word of mouth, thank you very much."
I'm in need of silver dust. I heard you could help me.
"You heard wrong. We have some on hand for inlays, but Chirrabi will need to see your guild license first.
Or if you're looking to make a bulk order, you'll have to speak with this one's employer."
You shouldn't put butter in a cup?
"This one has never considered putting butter in a cup. Are you quite well?"
Buttercups are not a weed?
"Ah. Did that flowery smooth-talker put you up to this? Is that oaf too good to give Chirrabi a visit now?
Fine, some silver dust for you. Just let that delinquent know that they still owe me for that night in Skywatch."
Thank you, Chirrabi.
Butterflies like weeds?
"Chirrabi does not much care for insects, though butterflies seem harmless. And they are pretty.
Not terribly useful, unless you like to fish. This one has heard they make good bait."

If you told her the right thing, you will be given Chirrabi's Silver Dust. In the case, you want to talk to her again she will say:

"You have what you need, friend. Please be moving along. Best not bring attention to Chirrabi by hanging around."
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