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Oblivion talk:Burd

Attacking summonsEdit

Has anyone encountered a bug or glitch before where Burd attacks your summon during Great Gate? By summon I mean a daedra you summoned. As soon as everyone draws their swords, martin ends his speech, and the first wave of daedra attacks, burd attacks my summon. I've encountered this several times, reloading didn't help. For the curious; i summoned a golden saint, a dark seducer, a flesh atronatch, and a dremora markynaz. (Each on diffirent occasions,i.e., after reloading). And no, the summon did not attack burd.---LordDagon 12:59, 16 December 2007

Both Burd and Martin are added to the faction MQ13BattleAllies at the start of the Defense of Bruma quest. This faction includes a -100 disposition modifier towards all Kyn; even summoned Dremora belong to the Kyn faction. It also includes a -100 disposition modifier towards the Oblivion Gate Daedra faction; summoned Golden Saints and Dark Seducers belong to this Daedra faction. So it doesn't seem too surprising that he would attack those three creatures. On the other hand, I can't see why he would attack a summoned flesh atronach, because it's not in any relevant factions. Also, most other possible summons are not members of any factions (Xivilai, Spider Daedra, Daedroth, Clannfear, Frost, Flame, and Storm Atronachs; all the undead summons) and therefore should not be targeted by Burd.
I'd imagine, though, that if you just stand in a different section of the battlefield, so that some of the waves of attacking daedra are closer to Burd than your summons, Burd should happily take on the enemy daedra. There's no reason why he would prefer your summon as long as it's not the closest possible target. --NepheleTalk 00:36, 17 December 2007 (EST)
Another fix might be to simply summon undead instead of daedra (unverified) Volanaro 11:23, 21 January 2008 (EST)
As Nephele said, that would work.--Willyhead 11:28, 21 January 2008 (EST)

Burd out of armorEdit

During the Defense of Bruma, Burd went through a door in the Rending Halls and lost his armor. He is now wearing a green shirt. Is there any way to get him back into armor before the Great Gate?

This probably happened because his armor became too damaged to wear. You could try dropping some armor on the floor near him to see if he picks it up or, more likely, reverse-pickpocket some zero-weight armor onto him (bound armor for instance). —RpehTCE 08:42, 29 December 2007 (EST)


It says that he could be married to Yvara Channitte, but how did someone/people find that out? Caboose 12:16, 31 March 2008 (EDT)

I imagine it comes from the dialogue, "Captain Burd and I make a good pair. He understands Nords and the North, while I appreciate the subtleties of southern culture and politics." but that seems rather circumstantial to me. –RpehTCE 12:32, 31 March 2008 (EDT)
Oh, thats probably why, but I think they're just a pair Caboose 11:54, 1 April 2008 (EDT)
I've just changed her entry to include the dialogue in question, suggesting that they might be a couple (which seemed a bit less nondescript than "may or may not be married"!) It is a bit vague, however, and might be a bit of a stretch to infer marriage; but given the context, "a pair" tends to suggest a personal relationship rather than a working one, I think.--Cbh 02:37, 31 August 2008 (EDT)
Surely if you're going to remove it from one it should be removed from both of them? — Unsigned comment by (talk)
Indeed. It's not an especially encyclopaedic comment, though since that factlet now falls under "unique dialogue" on Yvara's page I'm not entirely sure how to integrate it into this one... --Cbh 17:24, 20 May 2009 (EDT)
I did pretty well with that, I think. --Arch-Mage MattTalk 18:34, 24 April 2010 (UTC)

Burd diesEdit

Burd dies as soon as the Great Gate quest is over for me. I chase around trying to find his body so I can loot him, but I can't find him. Where is he? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:56 on 22 May 2012

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