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Oblivion:Drarana Thelis

< Oblivion: People
Drarana Thelis
(RefID: 000B6C02)
Home Town Harlun's Watch
House Drarana Thelis' House
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level PC+2 Class Healer
RefID 000B6C02 BaseID 0000BEA7
Other Information
Health 35 + (3+0.6)x(PC+1), PC=3-99
Magicka 100 + 3.5x(PC+1) (max=250)
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Essential Until Mystery at Harlun's Watch is completed
Faction(s) Harluns Watch
Drarana Thelis

Drarana Thelis is a Dark Elf healer living in the town of Harlun's Watch. Drarana will request your assistance in investigating the disappearance of some of her townsfolk during the related quest.

Much like her fellow townsfolk, she leads a pretty simple and uncomplicated life, preferably out in the open. She gets out of bed early every morning at 4am, and spends the entire day wandering around town, occasionally talking with her neighbors. She goes back inside her house at 8pm for a two hour dinner before heading to bed at 10pm.

She wears a set of middle-class attire consisting of a burgundy linen shirt, burgundy linens and a pair of thick cowhide shoes. Her only other possession is a small amount of gold. She doesn't carry any weapons, relying instead on a series of leveled spells from all of the magical schools except Mysticism.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

When Burz gro-Khash gives you the assignment, he mentions something about 'strange lights', an occurrence Drarana is more than willing to talk about.

When first approached she can say:

"We need your help."
"It's been horrible. Horrible."

When spoken to directly:

"Hello. You're from the Fighters Guild, I presume. It's good you've arrived. We need your help with some disappearances."
"Some folks reported seeing strange lights near the old Swampy Cave. We sent folks to investigate them, but haven't seen them since. We need help."
Strange Lights
"They started appearing a few nights ago. Odd, flickering lights. In the morning, there was nothing to see. But they were there at night."

If spoken to again before investigating:

"Please, see if you can't find our friends who have disappeared."

Upon exiting conversation after geting the details from her:

"Be careful."

If you approach her again at this point, she will say:

"I fear the worst."

Once you located the Will-o-the-Wisps at Swampy Cave and obtained the journal update of stage 30, you can return to Drarana and inform her on the topic of disappearances:

'Will O' the Wisps? I've never heard of them killing a man! Please, find out what happened to our friends. We're counting on your help."

Once you return from Swampy Cave and tell her the bad news, she will be shocked, but also grateful for your effort:

"Oh, no! You believe trolls killed them? That's horrible. Good that you killed all of the trolls, though. Please, take this, with our gratitude."

If any trolls remain alive when you report back to Drarana, her dialogue will be slightly different:

"Oh, no! You believe trolls killed them? That's horrible. Please, if you can kill all of those trolls, we'd greatly appreciate it."

If you approach her after the quest, she will say:

"It's a great loss."

After finishing the quest her greeting will change:

"Thank you for your help. You are always welcome here."

When exiting conversation after the quest:

"What a pity."