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Oblivion:Barthel Gernand's House

< Oblivion: Places: Homes
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Summary: written by Beezer1029

House Inventory: written by Beezer1029

Description: written by Beezer1029

Residents: written by Beezer1029

Related Quests: written by Beezer1029
Barthel Gernand's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Barthel Gernand's House

Barthel Gernand's House is in the village of Cropsford southeast of the Imperial City.


Barthel Gernand *

*The house will only be complete with the character in residence upon the completion of the Goblin Trouble quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Barthel Gernand's HouseEdit

Barthel Gernand's House under construction
Barthel Gernand's House, interior

Barthel begins building the house upon completion of the related quest. A one-room farmhouse, it is still a work in progress and contains only the usual clutter. There are two unlocked chests in the house, offering little of interest. The dining table is set offering beef, grapes, and a cheese wheel.