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< Morrowind: People
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Quests: not written

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House Contents: written by Jeancey (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by UnknownG

Spells: not written
Marelle (breton dancer girl)
Home Town Suran
Location Desele's House of Earthly Delights
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 5 Class Acrobat
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 106
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Marelle is a Breton acrobat working for Helviane Desele as an erotic dancer at Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran. She can be found dancing on the stage. Her reaction towards you will be different depending on your race and gender. None of her offers can be further inquired upon.


  • Greeting:
"Hello there, %PCRace. Looking for a good time?" (if player is male)
"Oh no, not another Khajiit. I'm still smarting from the last one." (if player is Khajiit)
"An Argonian! How exciting. I've never had an Argonian... customer." (if player is Argonian)
"Well, hello there. It's always nice to see another %PCRace." (if player is Breton)
"Are you okay? You don't look well..." (if player is a vampire)
"If you want a job here, you'll have to talk to Helviane. Excuse me." (if player is female)