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Legends:Mythic Dawn Zealot

< Legends: Cards
Mythic Dawn Zealot
Creature (Khajiit)
LG-card-Mythic Dawn Zealot.png
Deck code ID zA
Card Set LG-icon-Jaws of Oblivion.png Jaws of Oblivion
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png2
Attribute Willpower Willpower
Power Power 2 Health Health 2
Rarity Common Common
At the end of each turn, if you Invaded, put a 1/1 Scamp into your hand.

Mythic Dawn Zealot is a common Willpower creature card. It is available as part of the Jaws of Oblivion expansion.


When summoned:

"A new dawn is rising."

When attacking:

"I will know paradise!"

