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User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/The Blacksap's Hold

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: Grahtwood / Side Quests

Suppress the Blacksap Rebellion.
Zone: Grahtwood
Objective: Cormount
Quest Giver: Forinor in Cormount or Elden Root
Location(s): Vinedeath Cave
Reward: Vinedusk Pauldrons

370 gold

XP Gain: 2790
The Vinedusk Rangers want me to help quash the remnants of the Blacksap Rebellion, the Wood Elf civil war that ended with the Dominion's formation.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Acquiring the QuestEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The Blacksap's Hold
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Forinor, one of the Vinedusk, appeared out of a portal. He asked me to step through to their base of operations.
Objective: Enter the Portal
I stepped through Forinor's portal to what seems to be an old ruin. There doesn't appear to be a way out. A Vinedusk named Maeroth asked me to speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Maeroth
I stepped through Forinor's portal to what seems to be an old ruin. There doesn't appear to be a way out. A Vinedusk named Maeroth asked me to speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Maeroth
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should leave the prison and meet Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.

Gelthior may know something that can help me track his sons. I should attempt to convince him before I leave the prison.

Objective: Talk to Forinor to Open Portal
Objective: Optional:Talk to Gelthior
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should leave the prison and meet Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.
Objective: Talk to Forinor to Open Portal
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should leave the prison and meet Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.
Objective: Open Portal
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should leave the prison and meet Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.
Objective: Leave the Prison
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should meet with Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.
Objective: Meet Treethane Iirdel
I've agreed to capture Lorchon and Gorinir, the leaders of the Blacksap remants. I should meet with Treethane Iirdel, the Vinedusk Ranger's agent in Cormount.
Objective: Talk to Treethane Iirdel
Treethane Iirdel has collected information on the Blacksap's sympathizers in Cormount. Her journal contains her notes on how I can secure a meeting with Lorchon, one of the Blacksap leaders.
Objective: Collect Iirdel's Journal
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
Objective: xxxxxxxxxxx
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.