This user is Figalicious! |
This user is from the United States. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user hopes to get Shivering Isles soon. |
This user is right-handed. |
This user is male. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user plays the Wii. |
This user is leader of all four guilds |
This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena. |
This user is a Knight Brother in the Blades. |
--General Info
Location Oregon, U.S.A
Hobbies Running, eating, video games, drums, drinking water, editing, more running.
Career Once I get out of high school I'm going to get my Bachelor's degree. Once that happens I'm going to find a good law school after which I'll hopefully become a criminal lawyer, although I'm not sure if I want to be a defense lawyer or prosecutor.
-Figgy-Imperial that is sitting in my USB drive doing nothing. My first character, top of every guild.
-Beremus-- Keeping Figgy company in his drive. Was the character I focused on the main quest with.
-Drake-- Super Argonian. I maxed out all his skills, gave him godly spells and equipment, and the coup de grace, he can fly! When I get bored, I play Drake and just fly around blowing towns up with massive fire spells or make the citizens fall down with a powerful Drain Fatigue spell.
-Gravadyr-- See the Earthquake page for more details. Using the CS I gave him control over the Marie Elena in the Imperial City, and even gave him a crew who fights the guards with him. Unfortunately, Gravadyr's bounty is a liiiitle too high, and mass of guards overran the ship, killing all the crew and ruining all the things that were placed perfectly and precariously. I don't play him as much.
-Elyswar-- I thought it'd be cool to be a good guy for once, so I made a Dunmer Ranger who goes around killing Bandits, Marauders, Undead and other threats to nature. Wasn't as fun as I thought.
-Kiroshima Mitsubishi-- See the Earthquake page for more details. Latest creation benefiting from my improved knowledge of the CS. He's just completed his trials on Dive Rock and has reclaimed his family's house, though unfortunately it's been ransacked and he basically has to start his life over.
Experience-- Not much more I can learn right now except from trying things out and spending more time on the wiki, which is good I suppose. If you need help with some of the basics, just ask. I'm also able to help a bit with advanced editing, but you may want to ask one of the more experienced members here. Also, don't ask me on formulas. I know nothing about formulas.
Contributions-- I'm usually found looking over the Recent Changes, you know, undoing vandalism, spelling and grammar checks, the usual. I've also created a few pages, of which the quality is...questionable.
--Current Project
Gotten back into creating new character and modding the game to their benefit. I now even keep a tab open just for the Recent Changes page, which is on my screen quite frequently. Also, if any Oblivion pages needing images pops up, I usually try to crank out an image, unfortunately my laptop can't handle very high textures, which means the image will probably be temporary until someone with a good computer can get an image. As for an actual project, I'm working on cleaning up pages in general.
List of pages where I keep notes and ideas for topics.
- Hurricane--Roleplaying ideas and notes
- Earthquake--Attempts at a character template, also contains info about some of my characters.
- Tornado--Rough draft of my upcoming fanfiction.
- Drought--Pictures and screenshots from Oblivion.