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UESPWiki talk:Userspace Patrollers

Waiting PeriodEdit

What is the applicant's waiting period to become a UP? Not to sound anxious or anything, but it seemed like it would be a day or two. --Arch-Mage Matt Did I Do That? 20:24, 8 October 2010 (UTC)

The waiting period is over. Congratulations!  :) --Krusty 20:33, 8 October 2010 (UTC)
And Mr. Auri-El Reborn has just provided me a test. Thanks, I'll do my best! :) --Arch-Mage Matt Did I Do That? 20:41, 8 October 2010 (UTC)

New QualificationEdit

I just noticed, there's nothing here that says that we'll evaluate editors' familiarity with the wiki. This is not such a big deal considering that there's really not much harm that could be done by userspace patrollers, but it seems strange to me that we don't specifically say that they should at least know what they're doing. I'm suggesting a new qualification:

  • Edits userspace pages appropriately

--GKtalk2me 00:37, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

That makes sense. It's certainly going to do no harm to spell it out. rpeh •TCE 07:26, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

Alpha Kenny BuddyEdit

I'm aware the consensus has been that there is no voting for becoming Userpatroller, and I don't know if my opinion will matter here. I'd like to point out that in my opinion Alpha Kenny Buddy is well qualified to become one and would be a good addition to the team. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 00:12, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Inactive -> ActiveEdit

I'm not certain if I should just move myself back or not, but, with the release of Skyrim, I've returned, so I'd like to request that I be moved back to Active.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 15:02, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Just move yourself back to active. Welcome back, by the way! --NepheleTalk 15:08, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
Done. And thanks!--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 15:28, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Waiting Period 2Edit

Like Arch-Mage Matt did, I am wondering how long the waiting period is to become a Userpatroller. I do not wish to sound impatient or anxious or any other emotion, but I feel the information would be helpful for other users as well. -- Ad Intellige Mecum loqui 02:24, 3 April 2013 (GMT)

There is no waiting period that I know of. I don't know why he had one for Matt, or if Krusty was joking when he said it was "over". You just wait until an admin notices you and decides to say yes or no. Vely►t►e 02:33, 3 April 2013 (GMT)
Okay. Thank you. Personally, I believe that it should be easier for admins to notice requests here. -- Ad Intellige Mecum loqui 02:38, 3 April 2013 (GMT)
Don't worry about being noticed--admins interested in userpatrollers will have this page on their watchlist. Vely►t►e 02:45, 3 April 2013 (GMT)
I definitely was watching and definitely saw your app yesterday, but didn't get a chance to sit down and look at it. Sorry for the delay, but rest assured that you weren't being ignored on purpose ;). eshetalk 15:28, 3 April 2013 (GMT)
I was honestly expecting a longer wait time, and was asking so other potential userpatrollers don't have to worry. -- Ad Intellige Mecum loqui 15:55, 3 April 2013 (GMT)

() I've added a time period of a week. While this may seem a bit long, it basically covers for any time there may be a lack of active admins, and gives those admins adequate (imo) time to go over someones edits without being hurried into taking action. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:23, 3 April 2013 (GMT)

That seems like a perfect waiting period actually.-- Ad Intellige Mecum loqui 18:28, 3 April 2013 (GMT)

I'm still hereEdit

I'm just wondering why I keep getting bumped back to inactive. I'm here and patrolling usually a couple times a week, I just have nothing to contribute to the articles atm since I've not had time to play ESO or search for things to edit/update in a while. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 05:41, 28 September 2014 (GMT)

The last patrol I can see (not counting the above post) was on August 5, so it's not unreasonable that you were thought to be inactive. There's no way for most users to tell when someone last logged in (database administrators can sort of do it, but it's not entirely reliable). You're always welcome to change your status back to Active when someone makes a mistake. Robin Hood  (talk) 06:06, 28 September 2014 (GMT)
Yeah that's what I've been doing, I just keep getting move back on to inactive. But yeah I think I probably didn't patrol since beginning of August, been busy with other stuff. I'll move myself back once I've got time to stick around on the site for a few hours and do some work. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 17:26, 28 September 2014 (GMT)
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