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UESPWiki talk:Translations

Talk Page LinkingEdit

Is there a particular reason that talk page links (i.e. [[en:UESPWiki talk:Translations]]) work as regular hyperlinks rather than adding the 'Other Languages' sidebar option? —Legoless (talk) 16:11, 21 January 2016 (UTC) must be something specific about an interwiki link on talk pages. I'll dig into it and see if its a setting to change or why it does that. -- Daveh (talk) 18:19, 21 January 2016 (UTC)

Admin/translator privilegesEdit

Can I ask for admin or translator privileges on the new wiki as well, at least to start out with? I'm noticing a lot of English there, much of which comes from customizations we've made to MediaWiki space. It'll probably be slow, but I can chip away at them as I find them, so Portuguese users don't get "Recent Changes", for example. :) I'm not really concerned with whether I keep those rights in the long term, but I figure in the beginning, it'll be helpful to have more than just Jörmungandr who has the ability to edit the interface.

Also, where is the new wiki located on the servers? A number of extensions will need edited to include Portuguese translations whenever we can get to them. Edit: I'm just noticing you've consolidated a lot of the wiki folders into one location. If you haven't already done so, this would be useful for the extensions folder as well, so we only have to add Portuguese translations in one place rather than several. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:01, 21 January 2016 (UTC)

Can do. I've just updated it so the Portuguese wiki is served by the exact same files as the main wiki (/home/uesp/www/w/). All the differences are now done by the configuration files when the site is viewed according to the domain used. This makes maintenance/upgrades on the wiki a whole lot easier. -- Daveh (talk) 20:20, 21 January 2016 (UTC)
Quick FYI...I seem to be having problems changing some user's permissions on, including yours. Once I figure that out I'll changed them. -- Daveh (talk) 20:43, 21 January 2016 (UTC)
No rush, I'm still going through a bit of a bad spell, so not likely to be too active for a little while yet. Thanks for the updates. Robin Hood  (talk) 21:40, 21 January 2016 (UTC)
Looks like it's working now, at least based on the fact that I was able to delete a MediaWiki-space page. Robin Hood  (talk) 21:53, 21 January 2016 (UTC)

I wanna ask for translator privileges on the new wiki. i'm brazilian and i'd like to contribute with this project. Maybe I could translate something like 1 page a day and help with corrections on other translated pages. -- Manuel Lourenço 22:24, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

I'll leave that to Jörmungandr to decide. Robin Hood  (talk) 17:49, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
Yeah! It's always great to have some help. Stay tuned in your talk page. --Jörmungandr (talk) 17:50, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
Well, you don't have a talk page, so, can you send me your e-mail, or Facebook account? --Jörmungandr (talk) 19:08, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

User PermissionsEdit

So, i'm back. Sorry for being away in the last week. I saw the progress you guys made in the last days, and i have some questions.

  • I'm gonna have administration permissions (only in the PT wiki), or just the translator permission? 'Cause you guys don't speak portuguese, so, if someone starts breaking the rules, like being a jerk, you probably will not even notice it.
  • Secondly, i think we should block ANY editing in the PT wiki, only admins and translators should have this permission. Just for now, until we get this thing right.

Oh, and please, change the language to pt-br. More than 90% of the public gonna be brazilians. Jörmungandr (talk) 08:29, 29 January 2016 (UTC)

Just a note: I've re-granted translator rights to Jörmungandr as they had been granted before and then mysteriously disappeared. Admin privileges are something only Daveh can assign, though. Robin Hood  (talk) 17:40, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
"Translator" is effectively "Admin" permissions. I just wanted a different group to make obvious the difference between the two ("Admin" is global to all wikis, "Translator" is just for a specific translation). If you find you don't have a permission you need just let me know. -- Daveh (talk) 03:28, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

Categories problemsEdit

I'ts being really hard to put all the categories and other sections in the proper order. It would be easier if we could transfer ALL the content of the original wiki to the PT wiki, so i can just edit the pages i want and translate them, rather than create them. Do you think that's possible? Jörmungandr (talk) 20:12, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

Anything is possible....:) What I did for the MediaWiki and Template namespaces is just use the Special:Export page on the English wiki and then import that on the Portuguese wiki using the Special:Import page. This should work well enough for a few 100 pages at a time...anymore and the import will fail from either being too big or taking too long.
There should be other ways of exporting and importing a larger set of articles I can look into if you wish. -- Daveh (talk) 03:32, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
Yes, it would be great, there's a lot of things that is being really hard to reproduce. The categories are a good example. --Jörmungandr (talk) 17:33, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

So, any news? I don't want to rush you, but i really need this to continue working in this project. --Jörmungandr (talk) 20:29, 3 March 2016 (UTC)

I'm running a bulk import of our wiki now. I'm not sure why, but it's running extremely slowly, averaging just under 5 pages/sec. Having never done this before, I'm not sure what's normal. So, this'll definitely take at least a couple of hours, but at least it's happening. It shouldn't really make a difference, but I'd suggest not doing anything to the wiki in the meantime, just to be on the safe side. I'll let you know when it's done. Robin Hood  (talk) 03:04, 4 April 2016 (UTC)
Just a quick follow-up: I'm estimating about 7.5 hours to completion from this edit. I won't be awake when it finishes. In case Dave sees this tomorrow before I do, the maintenance script maintenance/rebuildall.php should be run when the import is done and content3's LocalSettings.php reverted to normal (the three lines to switch to pt are obvious, right after the InitalizeSettings line). After that, the PT wiki should be good to go. Robin Hood  (talk) 03:21, 4 April 2016 (UTC)
Okay, I believe this is now done. There were some error messages just at the end, so it's possible there are still some problems. I've informed Dave of the issue, but it's easy enough to fix. The thing to look out for will be any links that appear to be incorrectly tracked. The import also generated a huge job queue, so that may also account for some issues until it gets fully cleared out. Robin Hood  (talk) 22:02, 4 April 2016 (UTC)
Very nice, thank you Rob. Do you think i can start editing the pages? Or should i wait until it gets fully cleared out? --Jörmungandr (talk) 18:30, 5 April 2016 (UTC)
You should be good to go now. Robin Hood  (talk) 22:34, 5 April 2016 (UTC)

Problems with cache and SSLEdit

Hello. I've been helping Jörmungandr with the portuguese version of UESPWiki since the beginning, and we finally have a solid team to work on the project, and the translations are going smoothly. We have two issues, though. Readers are reporting problems with the SSL certificate when they try to access "", although some people also reported that everything works with them. Another problem we're having is that the cache won't clear itself after we edit pages, so some people are unable to see translated content, unless we add a "action=purge" to the end of the URL. Is there a way to clear the wiki's cache so we can send people links to pages without them seeing the original, untranslated content? -- Thales Alves

I made a few changes/fixes last week...some images weren't loading from HTTPS which was causing it to break. It seems to work fine for me now but if there are other problems let me know the details. I also tried clearing the Squid cache for all articles. I'm unsure what the exact cache problem is though so if you still see the problem let me know (I would need articles that have the issue or steps to reproduce it). -- Daveh (talk) 15:50, 10 October 2017 (UTC)
Thanks, Dave! We'll start posting URLs without the ?action=purge and check if it's wroking, I'll let you know if readers report any more issues. About the permissions I emailed you about a few weeks ago, Rob added the Discord tab on pt wiki too, but it redirects to the en wiki since the page is protected and I don't have the translator permission. Sorry to keep asking things, but could you lend us a hand on that? -- Thales Alves
The problem with pages showing up in english persists :( We translated a book this week, and readers reported it appeared to them as if the article didn't exist, even though we had already created it and filled it with content D: --Thales Alves (talk) 18:09, 27 October 2017 (UTC)
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