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UESPWiki:Archive/CP Criteria for Patrolled Edits

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This is an archive of past UESPWiki:Community Portal discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Criteria for Patrolled Edits

I recently updated the criteria for patrolled edits. Any feedback can be left either on the patroller talk page or here. --Ratwar 16:12, 29 May 2007 (EDT)

Thanks for doing this. I think the criteria are now a bit more clear to everyone. Maybe we should also make more clear the minimum standards a patroller candidate should meet. --DrPhoton 03:00, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
That's the next thing on my to do list. --Ratwar 12:16, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
Just keep in mind that it's a lot easier to add someone than it is to remove them if they become a problem. (As we all know too well.) It's probably best to be conservative in adding people and keep an eye out for dictatorial tendencies. It might be desirable to emphasize that patrollers should be content creators first, and (minor) admins second. (BTW, I'm much enjoying being back to "semi" active status now that things have quieted down. Nice to see things going so well.) --Wrye 02:53, 1 June 2007 (EDT)
Yes, adding people is much easier than removing them, but I don't feel that being a patroller gives them any more of an ability to hurt the site than being a regular editor. Personally, I think all the admins and patrollers should consider themselves editors first. Of course, I could do a rewrite (or add a section about the duties of a patroller perhaps) to include such a clause, if you'd like me too. --Ratwar 12:19, 1 June 2007 (EDT)
That's a general policy question, so I'd like to see other admins chime in. There are some con arguments as well as pro. But I don't want to break my "semi" active status by spending too much time thinking/arguing about it. :lol: --Wrye
One thing to keep in mind - as of the last upgrade, the system does keep track of who patrols which edits. It can be found in the logs for the page. The only problem with it is that I'm not sure there's a way to list all patrols by a given patroller. (Which would be handy if you noticed that a patroller was behaving in a questionable manner.) Anyhow, might want to change the text to reflect that. --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:47, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
Actually, I just realized it is: Example. So that should make it easy enough to track down misbehaving patrollers should it be necessary. --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:54, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
I updated the page to reflect it. --Ratwar 01:05, 2 June 2007 (EDT)