The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Writ for Felrar Berathi (TR_m3_MT_Felrar)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
I have been given a writ for the honorable execution of Felrar Berathi, who can be found in the southern guard tower in Hlan Oek.
Felrar Berathi has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. The execution was reported as a crime.
Felrar Berathi has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. None dared to report my actions.
Finishes quest
I reported the honorable execution of Felrar Berathi.
Finishes quest
I reported the honorable execution of Felrar Berathi.