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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
A Fourth Thief (TR_m2_TG_FourthThief)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Hofmund told me that he plans to steal Caedan Jorval's funds, but unfortunately there aren't enough men available. I have to search for an expelled member of the Thieves Guild named Fillim and convince him to return to Helnim.
I've found Fillim in Tel Mothrivra. Unfortunately he can't go to Helnim, because he gambled away all of his belongings. I have to somehow clear his debts or return his stuff. I need three Potions of Recall, three lockpicks and two probes of master quality.
Fillim got all his belongings back and will return to Helnim now.
Finishes quest
Hofmund thanked me for finding Fillim and rewarded me with a set of potions and probes. I will need those for my next task.
Finishes quest
Fillim is dead and Hofmund couldn't find a substitute. We can't pull off the plan now.