Skyrim talk:The Tower Stone
Tower Stone Power IDEdit
what is the tower stone's power's id code? (ex: ritualstone is 000e7329) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:09 on 2 March 2012
- e7328 -Vardis 03:50, 2 March 2012 (UTC)
Changing the power of the spell - possible?Edit
The description clearly states this power only works on "expert" locks and lower, is there a way to make it work on "master" or perhaps even "requires key" locks by using the construction set? That would be nice because the entire game is chock full of locks that require a key, and in many cases the key doesn't even exist, example: Thalmor Embassy (located north of solitude), I'd love being able to get in there (Rulindil is marked as a random quest target, so I need to find some way to get in there) but there's a door that cannot be opened since it doesn't have a key and climbing over the fence is impossible too because of invisible walls! Can the tower stone power be changed so it actually opens any lock? --Nv4dispbluescreen (talk) 10:17, 4 February 2013 (GMT)
- The Tower Stone power is a tricky one, in that it's not really a Power in the strict sense. It's an Ability which adds a Perk which runs a Script. At any rate, to change how it works, find the Perk "doomTowerPerk". (Perks are in the Actor tree.) Double-click the one item in the Perk Entry list, and you'll see one of the conditions is "GetLockLevel <= 75.00". You could try changing 75 to 100, which should allow the perk to work on Master locks. "Requires a Key" locks are a different story. Maybe if you remove that condition altogether it might work? I haven't actually tested this - generally if a lock requires a key there's a pretty good reason for it. Entering some areas when you're not supposed to can screw all kinds of things up. Honestly, I'm not sure there's any way around that, though you could try
into the embassy. Or usetcl
to go through the walls. Or if you're on a console (which I assume you're not because you're asking about how to mod something), there's still a way, assuming you've completed Diplomatic Immunity. You can use a Whirlwind Sprint inside the Reeking Cave to get back up onto the ledge, and enter from below. It's tricky, but doable. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 03:10, 8 March 2013 (GMT)