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Skyrim talk:Kyne's Sacred Trials


Should this page be under the Divines instead of Mich...?Jonny Bravo 04:58, 2 January 2012 (UTC) Jonny Bravo 2/1/12

Given the description of the quest, I'm inclined to agree, so I've tentatively moved it there. If anyone objects, it's easy enough to move back. Robin Hoodtalk 04:22, 28 January 2012 (UTC)
Well, its still shown on misc quests page and as questgiver is marked that troll guardian - this should be corrected.— Unsigned comment by Luke the Hero (talkcontribs) on 3 March 2012
No, it is no longer included on the Miscellaneous Quests page -- I removed it earlier today as part of creating/defining a separate Side Quests category. Also, for future reference, if you notice a mistake, you are welcome to fix it yourself -- that's generally going to be faster and less work for everyone than posting a request asking for someone else to take care of it. --NepheleTalk 01:41, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

Fairy Circle near Guardian Bear locationEdit

Does anyone have any info on the fairy circle of white cap mushrooms near where the guardian bear is? If you mouse over them it says they can be activated. I remember this from another game, I don't recall which, but they transported you to a treasure area. Perhaps they were going to do that here but decided to just leave the treasure laying on the ground in plain sight. Odd. 21:15, 26 January 2012 (UTC) Lazar

Also, the book and staff respawn. I collected them during the Nightingale quest and again during Kyne's Sacred Trials. (PC) Lazar 21:46, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
Look through the trees, at the mountain in the direction the staff points, and you'll see an image of Kyne in the textures that only lines up while you're in the circle. I took the arrow and skull to be a hint towards shooting the image in the head, so I took a couple pot shots, and then I started to notice that the cloud behavior reacted to my aiming. If you hold on one spot for a while with an arrow knocked, an arrow pointing the direction you would hypothetically need to correct towards to get her in the head (I fudged my aim a bit to make sure I wasn't seeing things) appears in the clouds flowing over that patch of mountain. Seeing as how Kynes champion in that one archery skill book never missed because "a gust of wind" would always guide his arrow on target, and Kyne is the root origin of Kynereth, daedric prince of the sphere of the sky and air, seems pretty appropriate. Seriously though, I've been playing with clouds for like 20 minutes. Try it. (Not logged in, but my usual web handle is Malbranche) I'm not sure if there's a reward for making it, but honestly I don't think arrows actually go that far. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:08 on 9 February 2013 (GMT)


How can Froki's bow be unique if you can obtain an indefinite amount of it? 03:33, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

I think because it has its own special name, enchantment and ID. --Luke the Hero 16:07, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

Possible bug(s)Edit

I defeated the skeever and mudcrab but the wolf will not appear. The quest marker hangs in air in that wolf lair. Can I do something to fix this? I'm playing on PS3. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 20 March 2012

You could try waiting, returning to Froki or reloading from a previous save file. The wolf is located in the forest of falkreath so make sure you have the right location. RIM 20:48, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

My way point's will not show up, I've tried everything in the book but it does not work for me, no idea why. User: Unknown 5:33, 30 October 2016

Another bug questionEdit

 I am having an issue where I am unable to begin the Kyne's Sacred Trials quest, and am only offered the option of I'm not interested. I have never declined the quest. I have completed the main questline; could that perhaps have something to do with it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:21 on 24 January 2013

Froki's BowEdit

If you pick up Froki's Bow in the cave where you kill the guardian troll, on return to Froki, you will then have as the first dialog entry "I found this bow, is it your?". This is before the entry letting Froki know that you have killed the guardian troll. If you fail to use the bow dialog before informing Froki that you killed the guardian troll, that entry disappears and you will never be able to have the discussion with Froki. (the result is the same regardless -- you get to keep the bow) The only workaround discovered (non-console entry) is to reload the previous save. — Unsigned comment by Drankinatty (talkcontribs) at 12:10 on 1 October 2012

I can confirm this bug. 05:50, 30 April 2013 (GMT)
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