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Skyrim talk:Demographics


Okay, so I was going by the info that we have on the site at People. I know it claims to be incomplete, but I don't have the game or editor yet, so it's the best I could do. Not sure what it really means by "incomplete", though, so somebody might have to explain that to me. One thing struck me as odd - are there really no Khajiits anywhere in the cities? According to that page, there's one in Winterhold and that's it. I know we're pretty far from Elsweyr, but you'd think there'd be a few of them. Even the cold-hating Argonians have more representation. (Actually, there are more Argonians than Bosmer and Orcs by these numbers.) Mind you, this only includes the major cities and not all the smaller towns, so maybe that's where they all are? --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:25, 8 January 2012 (UTC)

Aren't there a few Khajits outside Whiterun and Markath? There's also the Khajit caravan and M'aiq the liar. 20:43, 4 February 2012 (UTC)

This is clearly wrongEdit

There are obvious discrepancies between the table and the chart. The chart claims there are more than 70 people in Solitude, while the table claims 17. And the table doesn't include Jaree-Ra or Gulum-Ei, both Argonians in Solitude. 02:53, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

Oops, it appears I swapped the order of some columns! I'll have to look into that. As far as any missing info, I only was able to go by what's reported on this site, as I don't have Skyrim yet myself. It's possible that the People pages are incomplete, which could result in some discrepancy. --TheRealLurlock Talk 04:41, 28 January 2012 (UTC)

The Dark BrotherhoodEdit

So I noticed a few things that seem wrong here. First, I suppose that we're only talking about people at the start of the game, and without DLCs and I agree with that. However, it seems that the Dark Brotherhood is counted for both Falkreath and Dawnstar which is completely impossible in-game. Second, Cicero is counted for Falkreath, even though he only comes after a few quests; while he is a member of the Brotherhood, he isn't in the sanctuary at the start of the game, you need to play a few hours before he gets there. Lastly, the Dark Brotherhood in itself. Do they really belong in Falkreath? After all, they're not into the town itself and more importantly, unlike the Thieves Guild, the Companions and the College, there are no interactions between them and the townfolks, they're barely mentioned. Elakyn (talk) 09:40, 4 January 2013 (GMT)

Population outside capital citiesEdit

Why this article count population only in capital cities? I think it should also count named characters in places like small towns and orc strongholds. Also why elders are noted as separate race I think it's obvious what race they belong to based on their names? 13:05, 20 August 2014 (GMT)

As noted on the page, the Elders are categorized a separate race because it can't be confirmed which race they are in many cases. Names aren't enough to go on, we need a dialogue bit that specifically mentions which race they are. I'm with you on the small towns and orc strongholds though, don't see why they couldn't be included. --AN|L (talk) 14:54, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
I can change to contain named NPC's from whole hold, but if there isn't known what race elder belong to why it's known what race children belong to if they all look the same (Samuel who is an imperial look the same as Aventus Aretino who is nord). Woyr (talk) 19:02, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
Children have a race parameter in the creation kit like adults do that specifies their race. Elders just have Elder listed as their race. --AN|L (talk) 19:30, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
Changes to this page need to be done properly, updating the totals to the bottom, the side, and the overall total. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:44, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
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