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Skyrim:The Dwarven Horse

< Skyrim: Forgotten Seasons: Quests
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Walkthrough: written by Legoless, not checked
Reward: written by Legoless, not checked
Reassemble an ancient Dwarven vamidium.
Quest Giver: Broken Dwarven Horse outside Runoff Caverns
Location(s): Runoff Caverns
Concurrent Quest: Forgotten Seasons, The Dwarven Crown
Reward: Dwarven Horse mount
ID: DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonHorseQuest
Added by: Forgotten Seasons
The torso of a strange equine construct

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Activate the Broken Dwarven Horse outside Runoff Caverns.
  2. Enter the Autumn's Bells section of the dungeon.
  3. Locate the Horse Right Front Leg next to the dead mercenary in the entrance hallway.
  4. Locate the Horse Left Back Leg in the main chamber, near the field of White Molded Wheat.
  5. Cross the bridge in the main chamber and locate the Horse Right Back Leg between the fields of Sickly Green Wheat and Orange-Encrusted Wheat.
  6. Locate the Horse Left Front Leg up on a pedestal along the southern wall of the main chamber.
  7. Place harvested samples of the six special wheat varieties in the depositors to open the chamber containing the Conduit Control Gem and grab the Horse Head found within.
  8. Return outside and activate the broken horse to obtain your own Dwarven Horse mount.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

A Broken HorseEdit

Unlike most quests added by Creation Club, this one does not automatically begin upon installing Forgotten Seasons. Instead, you must travel to the entrance of Runoff Caverns, which will already be marked on your map. Outside, you will find a "Broken Dwarven Horse", a metallic Dwarven torso lying partially submerged in a stream. Activate this object to begin the quest, which will task you with assembling the pieces to reconstruct this strange equine construct.

All of the parts can be found in the Autumn's Bells section of Runoff Caverns, which is found deep inside, within the Dwarven ruins of Vardnknd. You will need to traverse the entirety of the Runoff Caverns section of the dungeon to reach the hub area at Vardnknd Gallery. The entrance to Autumn's Bells can be found in this central chamber.

The horse head sitting on a pile of gold

Exploring the RuinsEdit

All of the Dwarven items needed to reconstruct the horse are zero weight due to being quest items, so you needn't worry about getting them back out of the ruins. They will not be marked on your map until you get close, meaning you may need to scour the area to find them all. You will need to locate five in total:

  • The first part of the horse is easy to find: it is the Horse Right Front Leg, and can be found next to the dead mercenary in the entrance hallway of Autumn's Bells. You will likely come across this mercenary while completing the Forgotten Seasons quest.
  • The Horse Left Back Leg can be found in the main chamber, near the field of White Molded Wheat. It is on the east side of the collapsed tower (behind a chest).
  • The Horse Right Back Leg is on the other side of the main chamber, which will necessitate crossing the bridge in the center. It can be found under a collapsed building to the south from the Sickly Green Wheat.
  • The Horse Left Front Leg can be found up on a pedestal along the southern wall of the main chamber.
  • The final piece of the horse will necessitate completing the Autumn's Bells puzzle. This can be done by harvesting samples of the six special wheat varieties found growing in the chamber and placing them in the depositors located back near the field of Glowing Red Wheat. Once all six wheat varieties have been deposited, the chamber containing the Conduit Control Gem will be unlocked and the Horse Head can be found sitting on a pile of gold within.


With all five pieces assembled, you can return to the surface and activate the broken torso once again. Doing so will create a functioning Dwarven Horse, which can be ridden as a mount. It takes no damage whatsoever, meaning you can stay mounted on it and avoid all harm.

Quest StagesEdit

The Dwarven Horse (DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonHorseQuest)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 I've found parts for what appears to be a Dwarven Horse. However, several pieces are missing from the set. Perhaps I can find the missing pieces somewhere nearby.
Objective 1: Recover the head of the Dwarven Horse
Objective 2: Recover the right front leg of the Dwarven Horse
Objective 3: Recover the left front leg of the Dwarven Horse
Objective 4: Recover the right back leg of the Dwarven Horse
Objective 5: Recover the left back leg of the Dwarven Horse
2 I have found all the pieces of the Dwarven Horse and can now rebuild it.
Objective 6: Return all the pieces to the Dwarven Horse's frame
3 Finishes quest  I found the intact remains of a Dwarven Horse. However, several pieces were missing from the set. After investigating the ruins of Vardnknd, I was able to find the pieces and reassemble the horse.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonHorseQuest stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonHorseQuest.