Multiple Summon is a perk active on the undead dragon DurnehviirDG in Dawnguard add-on, with which he is able to summon a boneman, a mistman, and a wrathman all at once by using his unique Soul Cairn Summon shout.
Perk | Editor ID | Form ID |
Multiple Summon | DLC1DurnehviirMultipleSummon | xx01a33c |
Without this perk, even if you obtain the Soul Cairn Summon shout with console commands, and using all the three words, you can only summon one undead. It should be noted that this perk changes the amount of creatures the character can have to 5 (similar to how the Twin Souls perk changes the limit to 2), and therefore works with all conjuration and summon powers, shouts and spells, meaning that one can even have 5 NPCs revived with Dead Thrall using this perk. This perk can only be acquired by the player through the console.