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Skyrim:Locket of Saint Jiub

< Skyrim: Items: Unique Items
Unique Item: Locket of Saint Jiub (xx018b91)
Type Amulet (Light Armor)
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1JiubNecklace
Armor Rating Rating 5
Armor Rating Rating 5 {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 0.5 Value Value 2422
Quality Tempering Not Possible
Quality Tempering Not Possible Perk
Locket of Saint Jiub

The Locket of Saint Jiub is given to you by Jiub for completing the Soul Cairn quest Impatience of a Saint. It is unusual in that it is one of only two amulets in the game to provide an armor bonus, the other being the Amulet of Articulation.

Related QuestsEdit


  • The armor rating does improve with a higher Light Armor skill, but the locket doesn't benefit from any of its perks. Getting hit while wearing it will increase the Light Armor skill.
  • Despite being flagged as Light Armor, the locket cannot be tempered. (details)