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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/The Black Isle Bounty

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Quests: Cyrodiil Thieves Guild / Anvil
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Convince Anvil's upper crust to invest in your new company.
Quest Giver: The Arenthian
Location(s): Anvil
Prerequisite Quest: The Black Isle Company
Next Quest: The Black Isle Bubble
Reward: None
ID: PC_m1_TG_Anv6; PC_m1_TG_Anv6C; PC_m1_TG_Anv6M; PC_m1_TG_Anv6V

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Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Black Isle Bounty (PC_m1_TG_Anv6)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 The Arenthian is now ready to present the Black Isle Company to Anvil's elite. In order to sell them on the company's supposed wealth, I am to bring inventory samples to three marks: ebony for Tiledorus Cadmerius, glass for Cassandra Verach, and a dwemer coherer for Lerenis Muralius. All of these can be found on Hearthrend, a ship docked at the edge of the Port and Garden Quarters.
100 Finishes quest  The Arenthian thanked me for securing the three investments.
101 Finishes quest  The Arenthian was enraged at the death of one of his marks. He has no more jobs for me.
The Black Isle Bounty (PC_m1_TG_Anv6C)
10 Tiledorus Cadmerius has agreed to invest in the Black Isle Company.
The Black Isle Bounty (PC_m1_TG_Anv6M)
10 Lerenis Muralius has agreed to invest in the Black Isle Company.
The Black Isle Bounty (PC_m1_TG_Anv6V)
10 Cassandra Verach has agreed to invest in the Black Isle Company.
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