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Resolve a payment dispute between the Colovian Wagoners Association and Antonius Medericus.
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Good to the Last Drop (PC_m1_K1_TH2)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Lurius Alro asked me to resolve a payment dispute between the Colovian Wagoners Association and Antonius Medericus. Antonius, a local brewer, is refusing to pay the wagoners for several recent shipments of aliyew they were responsible for. He claims that they were tampered with during delivery. I am to find proof either supporting or refuting his claim and bring it to Thelius Halgern.
Antonius Medericus is convinced that the Orc working at the Colovian Wagoners Association was somehow involved in the sabotage of his aliyew shipments. He suggested that a letter the Orc was reading in the Association building may serve as proof of his claims.
I blackmailed Obbru gro-Shara with a letter that suggested he sabotaged the aliyew shipments. He paid me in exchange for it. He also gave me a forged memo to bring to Thelius Halgern.
Finishes quest
I showed a letter to Thelius Halgern which suggested the aliyew shipments were sabotaged. He thanked me for resolving the issue and paid me for my work.
Finishes quest
I brought the forged memo to Thelius Halgern. He believed it, but dismissed me in a huff.