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Online talk:Davon's Watch

Davon's Watch is Darnim Watch?Edit

It seems that Davon's Watch is the modern version of the town Darnim Watch from Arena. The latter is roughly in the same location, and it exists on the Morrowind concept map as "Darvonis Watch", which is quite close to the name in ESO. Would it be worth mentioning in the article? Vordur Steel-Hammer (talk) 11:32, 26 August 2014 (GMT)

Ehhh, I don't believe so. Not only does ESO take place before Arena and every other TES game, but there isn't enough solid evidence to prove this for sure. •WoahBro►talk 12:48, 26 August 2014 (GMT)
Of course by "modern" I meant real time, as "in the latest source". In this context it would mean that Davon's Watch is the earlier, Second Era version of Darnim Watch. The devs of ESO reused many town names from Arena (eg. Vulkhel Guard, Vulkwasten, Alten Corimont etc.) and there is evidence that they also used the concept map of Morrowind - there is a place called Othrenis in Stonefalls, which before ESO appeared only on the concept map and not anywhere else. So I think that the similiarity between Davon's Watch and "Darvonis Watch" is not a coincidence. Vordur Steel-Hammer (talk) 13:10, 26 August 2014 (GMT)
Yep, seems good to me. —Legoless (talk) 17:37, 26 August 2014 (GMT)
I've noted the different names on the new lore page, where it's probably more appropriate. —Legoless (talk) 18:56, 7 September 2014 (GMT)
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