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Online talk:Chub Loon

Real World ComparisonsEdit

While I think it's debatable whether this bird more closely resembles a penguin or a puffin, a comparison to auks is a little too obscure for it to be useful to most readers. I had no idea what an auk even is. Similarly, I'm not sure where the note on great auks stands. They do appear to have a remarkable resemblance to the chub loon so I've left it there for now. —Legoless (talk) 05:34, 22 August 2016 (UTC)

A few facts, as background info if it is needed later:
For the resemblance, auk is the taxonomic family where both puffins and great auk are part. The puffin is by far the most popular due to its appearance, and is often nicknamed sea parrot. The auk bird species are mostly found in the North Atlantic, the old home of the Vikings, from whom the Nord and partly the Orc cultures are modelled, so puffin or auk family resemblance might be intended. The extinction of the great auk was due to overtaxing of the population by seafarers for food and, ironically, museums to preserve as skins and stuffed specimens of the rare, almost extinct animal.
Fun fact: The bird family of penguins was named by European seafarers after an alternate name for the great auk, due to their similarity to the great auk. —MortenOSlash (talk) 06:18, 22 August 2016 (UTC)
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