Online talk:Bardic Performances
Progress and other notesEdit
Just adding some notes as of the time I first added the songs. I found a place where someone had extracted the soundtrack, and then tried to find the lyrics and title on ESOHead. So here's the versions that were in those files (who knows, they may have missed some versions), and whether I found the lyrics/title on ESOHead.
- Battle of Glenumbra Moors - Versions: Malukah, male, lute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- Beauty of Dawn - This was not in the files; do not know if it's actually a bard song or just something to promote the game.
- Chim-El Adabal - Versions: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, lute, and flute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- The Coldharbour Compact - Versions: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, lute, flute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- Hymn to Kyne - Versions: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, lute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- Ithguleior - Versions: Malukah, male, lute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- Ode to Queen Ayrenn - Versions: Malukah, male, lute, flute. Could not find this on ESOHead, so I just put a title on it and transcribed the lyrics by ear; missing a word or two.
- Over the Seas And Far Away - Versions: Malukah, male, lute. Could not find on ESOHead, so I put a title on it based on repeating lyrics and transcribed the lyrics by ear. Missing a word or two.
- The Plane Meld - Versions: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, flute, lute. Could not find on ESOHead, so I put a title on it based on repeating lyrics and transcribed the lyrics by ear.
- Stagger and Sway - Versions: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, lute. Confirmed lyrics/title.
- Three Hearts as One - Versiosn: Malukah, non-Malukah female, male, older male, lute. Could not find on ESOHead, so lyrics are only transcribed by ear.
About coldharbour's compact "twilight" referenceEdit
It seems to me that twilight could very well be a reference to Azura instead of Nocturne. Neither of them are "known" to look like the winged twilights, yet, the winged twilights originate from moonshadow aka Azura's realm. Nocturne is mentionned everywhere as "night and mystery", not the type to explain, nor talk, and that "trying to understand her" is akin to "denying her". Azura, on the other hand, is considered a good daedra, and a wise one as well...
Gilverdale is also named at the start, and if this[1] is still correct, it explicitely states that Azura is at this "meeting", not Nocturne.
Concerning what Sotha said to them... there is a possibility it was "I know a spell called 'Summon Chuck' " Or maybe "I've read all GoT books, If you try anything funny, I will haunt everyone of you and spoil every episode".
Maybe it was just "I know where you live". Yes, Sotha is THIS badass.
Fanz (talk) 05:12, 21 April 2014 (GMT)
- Azura is one of the "good" daedra. She wouldn't be mocking someone she supports. Which is why Mephala and Boethiah aren't mentioned either. This is for sure a reference to Nocturnal, not a reference to Azura. Jeancey (talk) 05:34, 21 April 2014 (GMT)
- I still have to remind this : , from what I said above... and Azura is known by her followers (nothing less) to be cruel, but wise.
- She can still sneer at him and yet have the wisdom to ask... which clearly isn't what nocturnal ever did...
- Also : At this gilverdale-aftermath-meeting with the daedras, Sotha was already a "God", which clearly was seen as heresy from the daedras, especially Azura. Mind you, the whole story of Morrowind revolve around you finding the truth about the tribunal, I hope I'm not spoiling anyone here, ... stop reading if you don't want to know... ... last call for spoiler express...
- Azura despise the tribunal. Ashlanders Despise the tribunal. Tribunal despise the ashlander and their prophecies that go against the tribunal. Anyone manifesting the slightess interest toward their rituals/prophecies/culture is deemed as heretics by the tribunal's zealots... the tribunal tries to erase all evidence and recount of their deeds at red mountain, as it throws a doubt on their legitimity to this godly power...
- So, definitely, Azura (that pretty little daedric cruel spoiled brat posing as a princess), would NOT consider him a faithful follower, given that the tribunal is claiming the adoration of everyone and forbiding the daedras' cults...
- Azura followers know the truth ? bravo, they won a free vacation at ministry of truth's most luxurious cells...
- Boethiah ? what, the one without a shrine, who would bother making him a new statue at an important historical battle location... (hint : khartag)
- ...end of spoilers...
- So, I still think it's Azura the song talk about here, as shown in the link I mentioned above.
- They didn't say "the crow" or "the night", but "twilight".
- A good deal might be coming from someone you despise, if you're wise enough to swallow your pride or anger for a moment, you could make a substancial profit... that's the type of things that come from/with Azura. (hey, she takes you in, although she perfectly KNOWS you're an imperial spy seeking to get influential onto her ppl...) Fanz (talk) 18:38, 21 April 2014 (GMT)
- Ah, I just guessed at "Twilight" being Nocturnal, since I didn't know about the meeting in the lore. Since we know the Daedric Princes that were at that meeting, it's almost certain that Azura is "Twilight" then. In the same vein, "raver" would be Sheogorath then. I thought rave = party originally but it could also refer to "raving mad". Alarra (talk) 03:01, 22 April 2014 (GMT)
- Honestly, I still think Twilight refers to Nocturnal. Later in the song Twilight says "And what do you offer in return/To keep us from chastising Nirn". Azura supports the Ashlanders and others who worship her, which is one of the largest groups of mortals to worship a Daedric Prince. Azura just wouldn't be part of something that involved chastising mortals, no matter who they are talking to. I think it is telling that the Daedric Princes who are most often associated with being female are not on the list of Daedric Princes (Azura, Mephala, Merida, Boethiah, Namira, Vaermina). I think Hunger actually refers to Sanguine (a hunger for blood, referencing his connection to the Dark Brotherhood), and Raver would be Sheogorath. The only others missing are Jyggalag (who at this point in the cycle would be Sheogorath), Clavicus Vile, and Peyrite, who have never been too involved in the affairs of mortals, but when they have been haven't been too detrimental to us lower beings. Peyrite in particular isn't all that powerful. The only exception to the female/male distinction in the included princes is Nocturnal. But still, I don't see Azura siding against mortals as a whole, which is what these princes seem to be doing. Jeancey (talk) 04:10, 22 April 2014 (GMT)
- Ah, I just guessed at "Twilight" being Nocturnal, since I didn't know about the meeting in the lore. Since we know the Daedric Princes that were at that meeting, it's almost certain that Azura is "Twilight" then. In the same vein, "raver" would be Sheogorath then. I thought rave = party originally but it could also refer to "raving mad". Alarra (talk) 03:01, 22 April 2014 (GMT)
- Raver could very well be Sheogorath, depend on how ppl interpret the "raver" thing. But as far as I remember, Sanguyine isn't tied to the dark brotherhood, Sithis is, and it seems Sithis is "that big and powerful" (being, you know, the incarnation of "void" that fathered/separated the other daedras) that he doesn't show himself directly (and I must say : act like he was a divine himself... the whole "I stay out of the world" thing...)
- "Hunger" could still be Sanguyine, as he's well known for his it food/drinks and...ermmm .. adult pleasures... But it might also be a reference to Boethiah (hunger creatures are his, and he does like to see a bloodbath the same way Sanguyine like a
- Quoting from Sotha's lore "made a pact with eight of the more prominent Daedric Princes: Azura, Boethiah, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath." Which in the same order would be : Twilight, Hunger, Scryer, Hunter, Pariah, Destroyer, Schemer, Raver.
- About Azura not hitting Morrowind ppl : yes and no. Yes, she does care for her follower, which are a minority. No She's not about to limit herself to morrowind, as she claim "chastising Nirn" (that is : the whole of Tamriel AND the rest), which represent a far bigger lot of "infidels". And she might start in Morrowind as well, since she seems more against the tribunal than against ppl that just "follow the Divines". To put all of this back into perspective : It is all about the pact that Sotha came to make with them, that is "No more answering summonings for the duration of the war between Cyrodiil/Morrowind, to avoid Gilverdale-like 'accidents', except for High priest of the followers or very influential mages (who know they shouldn't play with such a dangerous fire)".
- And indeed, the "lower daedras" weren't seem at this meeting no Clavicus, no Peryite, not even Ebonarm, which, while still powerful, seems to have remembered that EVERY single daedra hate him to the utmost point, including those 8 big ones... and coming to that meeting would definitely have left a mark.
- Looking back at who Sotha met there, it look like it's every daedric princes whose subjects can be formally summoned : winged twilights, hungers, daedroth and atronachs and dremoras, golden saints etc, and the ones able to have a real influence in the outcome of such war (Hermaeus knowledge, Malacath ruling the orcs, Hircine probably because of the werewolves and his ability to pick a strong quarry whenever he likes for his hunting games). Seems like Sotha IS a smart guy after all. Fanz (talk) 17:31, 22 April 2014 (GMT)
"Hunger" and "Destroyer"Edit
So, we know all of the Daedric Princes that met with Sotha Sil: Azura, Boethiah, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath. Most of them are pretty clear, but I was trying to figure out who "Hunger" is. Do you think it could be Mehrunes Dagon, while "Destroyer" is actually Boethiah? Boethiah's page says that s/he is the Prince of "deceit, conspiracy, secret plots of murder, assassination, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority", while Mehrunes Dagon's says that he is the Prince of "Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition". I think that "ambition" would suit "hunger" more. Alarra (talk) 08:01, 17 August 2014 (GMT)
Capitalization of "Lane"Edit
Just a note so that it doesn't get lost in the edit notes again: Lane is capitalized because that's how it appears in-game, as seen here. It seems to be a name for the body of water between the Summerset Isles and Valenwood. - Alarra (talk) 05:30, 3 September 2014 (GMT)
Clarification When the Text and Audio DifferEdit
I just added three of the new Galen songs based on their lyrics in the corresponding books. However, the lyrics of two of the songs differ quite a bit when they are sung. Are we basing the lyrics on this page on the books or the actual singing? Should there be a note to designate differences? — Unsigned comment by Kallykat (talk • contribs) at 19:18 on 21 November 2022