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Online:Tyrrya Len

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tyrrya Len
Home City Lilmoth
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Mage
Tyrrya Len

Tyrrya Len is a Breton mage, traveler and writer who can be found wandering around Lilmoth. She has been in the city for at least a year and has written a few books about Murkmire, including A History of Lilmoth and A History of Blackrose Prison.


When spoken to she will talk about things she's seen in Lilmoth and other places she'd like to go.

"Lilmoth is known as the Festering Jewel of Black Marsh. Not surprising, given the humidity. And the bugs, of course. And the occasional festering corpse ….
But other than that, it's been a great place to visit!"
"Isn't Lilmoth just beautiful? A true tropical get away!
I'd also love to visit the Bright-Throat Village if I could, but traversing the swamps is a ... challenge, to say the least."
"There's not exactly a legal system in Lilmoth. I've heard about a local judge, but no one really seems to want to talk about her. I believe her name is Sulahkeesh?"
"Though the guards of Lilmoth are hired by the various merchants in town, I've still found them to be extremely vigilant in their duties."