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Online:Star Haven Adeptorium (Beyond a Veil of Twilight)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Northern Elsweyr / Houses of Worship / Worldspaces
Star Haven Adeptorium
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Northern Elsweyr
Accessible during Beyond a Veil of Twilight
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Star Haven Adeptorium has served as a site of training and assembly for the many faiths of Elsweyr since the time of the sixteen kingdoms. In the wake of its evacuation following a supposed Dragon attack, Ravith's Chorus now stalks these once-proud grounds, incanting dark songs of malicious intent.
Star Haven Adeptorium

Star Haven Adeptorium is a memory of the grounds of the Adeptorium. During the memory, Zerith-var's past in the First Era is observed, showing his and Moon-Singer Talbira's clash with Ravith-morna.

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