Spell Damage represents the damage done by spells or abilities with a Magicka cost. Your Spell Damage can be improved by many sets (click for complete list), as well the Major Sorcery and Minor Sorcery effects, which increase your damage by 20% and 10% respectively.
- Molten Weapons — grants Major Sorcery to you and allies for 30 seconds
- Sap Essence — grants Major Sorcery for 20 seconds
- Power Surge — grants Major Sorcery for 33 seconds
- Illuminate — grants Minor Sorcery to you and allies for 10-20 seconds when using any Dawn's Wrath skill
- Entropy — grants Major Sorcery for 20 seconds
- Potions of Increase Spell Power grant Major Sorcery
- Poisons of Increase Spell Power grant Minor Sorcery
- Although it is called Spell Damage, it may be useful to think of it as "Spell Power," since it also increases the amount of healing done by spells and abilities.