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Online:Scout Claurth

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Scout Claurth
Location Around Boulderfall Pass
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Scout Claurth

Scout Claurth is an Argonian scout of the Ebonheart Pact who is alerting passers-by about the ongoing situation at Boulderfall Pass.

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He approaches you on the road between Shor's Stone and Northwind Mine after you completed Storming the Hall:

Scout Claurth: "The river brings danger to Boulderfall."

He will warn you that the Reachmen have started attacking Pact positions at Boulderfall Pass:

"The enemy is upon us. Be wary."
Report, soldier.
"The Reachmen. They've descended on Boulderfall Pass. Our troops barely hold the line."
I'll lend what aid I can.
"Excellent. Do you know the way? I can lead you to the front."
Lead on, Claurth.
I know the way.

If you choose to go on your own, he says:

Scout Claurth: "Find your way to Boulderfall. Speak to Centurion Gjakil."

If you choose to follow him and fall behind, he will call to you.

Scout Claurth: "Please, keep to your feet. We are needed."

When you arrive with Claurth, he leaves you.

Scout Claurth: "Centurion Gjakil here will get you up to speed. Until we meet again."

He will then run off and fade into the distance.