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Online:Sabinette Dailland

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sabinette Dailland
Home City Shornhelm
Location Shornhelm Smithy
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Sabinette Dailland

Sabinette Dailland is a Breton commoner found in the city of Shornhelm. She can be found in or just outside the Shornhelm Smithy.


When spoken to, she'll say:

"I think I heard a troll up near the Orc's Finger Ruins, so I picked up my gear and returned to the city. I don't know about you, but I wasn't eager to tangle with a troll!"

If you've completed Friend of Trolls, she'll instead say:

"Heard the gravedigger has to bury that poor Orc who went missing up near the Orc's Finger Ruins. Such a shame."