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Online:Ralasa Delvi

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ralasa Delvi
Location Sadrith Mora
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Ralasa Delvi

Ralasa Delvi is a Dark Elf Mouth of House Telvanni, serving Magister Gothren.

Related QuestsEdit


A Hireling of House TelvanniEdit

In the Council Chambers, the following scene will play out:

Ralasa Delvi : "Well, well … what brings a slave to our audience chamber?"
Eraven Onthim : "I bring tidings from my august patron, Magister Therana. She would have your masters know that this slave, Sun-in-Shadow, has earned her favor."
Ralasa Delvi : "What? Magister Therana would lend her good name to this … thing? Preposterous!"
Angharal Suth : "Ralasa, don't be as tiresome as your master."
Vaelin Oren : "Can we move this along, please?"
Eraven Onthim : "Very well. Magister Therana, by right of rank, demands that the slave girl, Sun-in-Shadow, be freed from her bonds and raised up to a Hireling of the Great House Telvanni. She belongs to Magister Otheri, does she not?"
Angharal Suth : "Indeed. My most beneficent patron, Magister Otheri, acquiesces to Magister Therana's demands. He is confident that Therana will remember this kindness in the future. Sun-in-Shadow, you are hereby freed and lifted up to the rank of hireling."
Ralasa Delvi : "My most majestic patron, Magister Gothren, warns you all. Lift up one of these beasts and a thousand more will follow. This is folly!"
Llayne Sadri : "If there's nothing else? I have urgent business in Tel Mora."

Objections and ObstaclesEdit

Enter the Council Chamber on Sun-in-Shadow's behalf, and you'll hear:

Ralasa Delvi : "My patron, Magister Gothren, opposes any further honors for the slave girl. Oh look, the lizard sent a representative. Such pretensions."
Angharal Suth : "Approach, emissary. You may inform your benefactress, Sun-in-Shadow, that the Council has elected to reject her petition."
Ralasa Delvi : "Be sure to add that all further petitions will meet the same fate. Cats and lizards have no place in our Great House."
Eraven Onthim : "Honestly, Ralasa …."
Angharal Suth : "Don't worry, Ralasa. The emissary will give Sun-in-Shadow a full account of this meeting. I have no doubt."

If you speak to her, she'll reply:

"Come to have words with me, have you? Well, lets [sic] get it over with. I have things to do."

If your character is a Khajiit or an Argonian, she'll instead say:

"I thought I made it clear that I have no interest in speaking to beasts. Now, tuck your tail and leave me be."

If you already spoken to Angharal Suth, you can ask her:

Why are you so fixated on preventing Sun-in-Shadow from advancing in House Telvanni?
"I merely speak for Muthsera Gothren. His distaste for Sun-in-Shadow should come as no surprise. Beasts have no place in the House.
You may want to rethink the company you keep, outlander. Just a bit of advice."
If you are so free with advice, what would you advise Sun-in-Shadow?
"I suggest she leave Vvardenfell. Travel to Daggerfall or Wayrest and join the Mages Guild. I hear they take anyone. She would fit right in.
The fact is she has no place here. She may have earned her freedom, but she will never be a true Telvanni."
It seems like you really hate Argonians and Khajiit.
If your character is Argonian or Khajiit:
"Oh come now. I don't hate you. I just see the truth of your nature.
You beasts make wonderful servants, but to pretend you possess the same faculties as mer, or even men, is absurd. You were born to serve, just as we were born to rule."
"I don't hate them. I just see the truth of their nature.
Argonians and Khajiit make wonderful servants, but to pretend they possess the same faculties as mer, or even men, is absurd. They were born to serve, just as we were born to rule."

Try to speak to her again and she'll say:

"Magister Gothren is a very demanding mer and I have little time to cater to inane petitions or gossip with the riff-raff. Speak your business or begone."

After a number of events, Sun-in-Shadow will decide that Ralasa needs to be eliminated once and for all.

Fight RalasaEdit

Travel to Ralasa's chambers in the Council Tower, and you'll find a Khajiit slave named Tuharrii outside: "If you are looking for that evil tempered Telvanni witch, she went into that room."

Ralasa Delvi
Location Sadrith Mora
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 127,420 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Chillfiend
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Ralasa Delvi in combat

The slave's direction prove true, with Ralasa waiting in the next room, ready for battle: "So, the lizard thinks she can kill me? Come on then! I'll have her skin for gloves, after I deal with you of course!"

After defeating Ralasa, travel outside, where Sun-in-Shadow will be waiting for you

Deliver GiftsEdit

However, if you refused to be Sun's henchman, she'll instead tell you to take Ralasa some cakes that she has made. Enter Council Hall where Ralasa is and she'll greet you:

Ralasa Delvi: "Oh look, it's the lizard's errand runner. Did she send you to kill me, I wonder?"
"Your friend considers herself my equal, but in the end it seems she's still just a witless slave. You've been ever so helpful in proving it. My thanks.
Now, what brings you to my chambers, outlander?"
Sun-in-Shadow hopes we can put this business behind us.
"Oh, delightful! Let me guess, she sent you with a bribe? Or a gift? Or an offer of service? How delicious.
Well? What does she want?"
Yes, she sends a gift. And news. Arith Sendrul tried to pull her into a plot to replace you.
"Ugh. Arith. That's hardly news. In any case, I'll take those marshmerrow cakes. Funny … she knew just what to get me. Seems her slave's instincts haven't faded with time.
Tell her I will consider her proposal. I can always use another servant."
I'll deliver the message.
Ralasa Delvi: "Where to send her first. Hmm."

Ralasa partakes of Sun's treats:

Ralasa Delvi: "Mmm, delicious. Powdered pearl-dust and sugar."

Suddenly Ralasa begins to gag:

Ralasa Delvi: "Wha-? That bitch! Poison!"
Ralasa Delvi: "It burns! It burns!"

Ralasa falls on the floor, unmoving.


Ralasa will occasionally speak out-loud, apparently to herself:

Ralasa Delvi : "Damn. Where are those cakes?"